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One Slide, Many Images


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Hi, newbie question:

I need one 'slide' to contain images from, say, 2 or 3 different image files. In PPT you can easily do this and reposition, resize etc. each image, you can also bring the images in one by one etc. They don't need to overlay or anything like that. I just want eg. a black background with 2 different pictures sourced from separate .JPG files, for example. I assume P2E can do this as well, but I can't find out how anywhere. Any advice appreciated.


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Ah, I am much better off now. What a wonderful piece of software! I tried out four others, and this one is by far the sweetest. The way the timeline works, and you can 'play' individual slides, etc. is really useful.

One thing I don't quite get and can't figure out from the guide or experimenting. I have a slide containing three images, which are represented as three objects in the little tree in the bottom right corner. Each object is a child of the one before it, so, there are three levels. I want the first image to be there right away, and the other two to fade in. I achieved this perfectly, it works exactly how I want.

But to do so I had to create separate keyframes for the two objects that fade in. I think I really only need one keyframe associated to two objects. I thought the keyframe associated with the second-level object would affect both of them, but it doesn't. It seems like if you had 20 images to fade in, you would need 20 keyframes. I'm sure there is a smoother way. Any advice appreciated.

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You have hit upon one weakness of PTE's O&A capability. It does not provide an option that allows the opacity value of a parent to be inherited by a child. If you want to fade in several objects you have to program keyframes on every one of them.

Over the last couple of years I have built two sequences that consisted solely of animation. In one case I had an object assembly of 56 separate items that I would have liked to fade in. Whilst I would have been prepared to code the keyframes on the one assembly, the design required twelve of the object assemblies to appear one after the other. I wasn't prepared to program 1344 keyframes. In the second case, the object assembly consisted of 108 visible objects. Again I would have liked to have faded this in but wasn't prepared to code the 216 keyframes required.

In both cases, had there been an option to have opacity inherited, I would have needed to add only two keyframes per object assembly.



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Yes,it is not possible to change the opacity of several objects together in a simple way. A pity it's not possible, for instance with the opacity of the parent'frame as Peter writes.

BUT, there's still the possiblity to put all the objets on a mask container, and play with the opacity of the mask. If there isn't too much (or too big) objects, it's work perfectly !

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Hello Peter,

As I know you like cubes like me, I've just prepared - very rapidly (I hope there is no mistake)- for you (but not only !), a small example using two masks with 140 objects on each (the same cube'set)under and above an other cube'set.

You'll find the template there :


best regards


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In the simple case where your images are not animated, you may use the following workaround. Here you do not make use of key-frames:

  • Create a slide with your first image, open the O&A window and arrange it as you like to see it
  • Close the O&A window and choose the slide view in the main window (not the timeline view)
  • Duplicate your slide (Highlight it and press Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V), and open the O&A window for the second copy
  • Add your 2 (or even 20) additional images and arrange them, but leave the parameters for the first image invariant
  • Choose appropriate (individual) times for your slides, and an appropriate transition for the second copy (typically: fade-in)

Most slide transitions without animation effects do not show an effect on a repeated image (as long as position, zoom value etc. remain the same).



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Hello Peter,

As I know you like cubes like me, I've just prepared - very rapidly (I hope there is no mistake)- for you (but not only !), a small example using two masks with 140 objects on each (the same cube'set)under and above an other cube'set.

You'll find the template there :


best regards


What an amazing demonstration!

And I thought my pans and zooms were great demonstrations. Just to design this template...! Going to have to spend more time studying masks and frames that's for sure!



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GregTomkins'question was :

"But to do so I had to create separate keyframes for the two objects that fade in. I think I really only need one keyframe associated to two objects. I thought the keyframe associated with the second-level object would affect both of them, but it doesn't. It seems like if you had 20 images to fade in, you would need 20 keyframes. I'm sure there is a smoother way. Any advice appreciated."

Answering that it was possible easily with masks, and giving an example - a template - I think I was NOT out of topic. Sorry, xahu34, if not. But it's not very important. Is-it ? We are not still at school.

Is-it because the example was too amazing ? Why not ?

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As I know you like cubes like me, I've just prepared...a small example using two masks with 140 objects on each...


That's an amazing effect. I'll have to spend some time studying your project file in order to understand how you have done it.

many thanks,


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