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Hello Guillaume67, I am a fellow member here on this forum and can give a little information to you. I too now am a Mac user and can't use my PC version of PTE I purchased in the fall of last year. One can currently build "on a PC" a Mac executable presentation to run on Macs (not sure if Intel only) but Igor and his team are working on a stand-alone version for on a Mac and the word has been that they expect it to be available sometime this year. The beta version, which is available presently is for PCs only. I am anxiously awaiting too. Bill

  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Guillaume, The new beta version is still for PC only which can be used to build a Mac version on the PC but this still isn't a beta for a stand alone Mac. Bill

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guillaume

It can be done on an intel mac but you either have to use Boot Camp or VM ware Fusion software where you down load the PTE software. It does mean that you open your mac or a part of it to the worries of the PC world but if you are desperate to get on with it and cannot wait for Igor to announce the pure Mac version then it is a solution. For myself I changed to Mac a while ago but kept my old PC just for PTE. I cleared out all the rubbish and find that it sings along at a good speed. I also ignore all the Microsoft upgrades as I only connect to the web for PTE upgrades and I am now following the "If it aint broke don't fix it" routine.

Mike R

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