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I have 83 slides that must fit in a song track that is 4:22. It's been awhile since I've used this program (version 4.46). I checked the box for "Synchronize slideshow to music duration" but it doesn't have any effect. I purchase an upgrade to the deluxe version last May, but then lost my hard drive and the reg key with it. I've got a ticket into support, but for now, I'm stuck with this older version. Can someone help me? I'm trying to create a slideshow and get it onto DVD for my daughter's wedding this weekend, so I'm kind of rushed.




The "Synchronize slideshow to music" box simply ensures that, if you do a "Preview from selected slide", the music track is properly positioned to start playing at the appropriate offset into the piece of music. The feature that you seem to be looking for is "Autospread slides along music" but that didn't come into PTE until a much later version. Your best hope with v4 of PTE is to do the math: 4m22s = 262 seconds, divided by 83 slides = 3s 156ms per slide. Set this value as the slide duration and it should give you a very close fit.



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