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RonWill at the PTE presentations forum


said: (oct 17 9:20am)

"Pity about the use of 800x600 as I had the distraction of my desktop surrounding it. I don't propose to alter my settings just for that. However, in PTE, I have loaded a background and, using object editor, the *.jpg image 'Bohemian' and "Run application or open file", created my own PTE of your sequence"

Ron, you appear to have saved my bacon. (and I don't mean our lousy Canadian bacon, I mean your good Brit bacon :) )

I am working on a huge PTE show that involves 80-85 other PTE shows linking off it via the use of objects. Until Igor comes up with OBJECTS that won't move with screen res, objects which I LOVE, have always been a challenge.

But Guido and Al have assisted with showing me to reduce the problem by using windowed mode.

That works to a point, until someone has a screen res greater than the window-mode you set up, and then they get to see their desktop at the edges.

My show was set for windowed mode at 1152x864 on the basis that all computers would have this option and I would have people set their screens to this before viewing the show.

Well..... I have hit all kinds of variations including screens that only run at 1600x1200.

I didn't know what to do with my shows already to go (80 done now and a few more to come)

Then you shone the light. :D:D

I did as you said, created a one image show (1600x1200) with an object to start the shows which are all set at 1152x684 windowed mode.

My objects appear to be staying still. I will have to more thoroughly test, but it looks as though that one jewel of an idea is going to save me a pile of re-working !!


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