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PTE 5.6 on problem [SOLVED]


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I have used PTE for a long time, updating with no problems as far as version 5.5. Since then I have been unable to get ANY update to work. I am essentially happy to use my working 5.5 as it does everything I wish to do, so it has not concerned me too much. However, I was recently sent a disc created on PTE 6 by a friend - and my computer simply hangs up when I try to view it. As the disc works perfectly well on my ancient standby computer the disc is not the problem. Following an initial query to winsoft, I re installed my 5.5 and tried the updates again - but to no avail. Any suggestions.

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The new problem is that I cannot open this slideshow EXE file that was created using v6. I have had no problem with other EXE files.


You cannot open a v6 PTE project file in an earlier release of PTE. Or are you saying that it is the slideshow EXE file that does not work correctly?



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One stupid question if I may: You are trying to run the EXE file on a Windows system and not on a Mac aren't you?

Assuming you are not making that mistake then, frankly, I am baffled as to why a PTE-created EXE will not run on a Windows system. I've never heard of an EXE created in any version of PTE not being executable on a Windows platform. Yes, there can be problems with resource shortfalls but that doesn't usually prevent the EXE trying to run. So, what is/are the exact symptom(s) of this failure?

One further thought: you say the file is on disk. Have you tried copying the file off the disk onto either a USB memory stick or onto the PC's own hard disk drive and then run it from there?



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Thanks Peter. Yes I am using Vista. Copied and pasted to hard drive as suggested. Result (having then used the icon that DOES appear on screen to open the file) - Screen goes black then nothing. When I can eventually get out of that screen and start task manager I am advised that the programme is not responding (and I already know that!) I have never heard of the problem either -but it is happening. MAybe a new computer is the best answer!

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Before you take that expensive option, how about zipping the EXE file and uploading it to a file hosting service (e.g. MediaFire or YouSendIt) so that others can check it out? (Best to get the OK from your friend first, though!)



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Another after-thought and stupid question: it isn't a manually controlled show is it? The system isn't waiting for you to advance off the first slide by clicking the mouse or pressing the spacebar, perhaps?



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I know that she has sent a least half a dozen copies of her disc to other recipients - and nobody else has had a problem. That seems to indicate that the issue is at my end. Point 2, no it isn't manually controled. 3 - as a fellow Yorkshireman you will no doubt appreciate that I will not be splashing out on anew computer if I can possibly find a solution to my current problem.



Another after-thought and stupid question: it isn't a manually controlled show is it? The system isn't waiting for you to advance off the first slide by clicking the mouse or pressing the spacebar, perhaps?



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Sometimes it is the most unlikely and illogical things that cause a compter to 'play up' so why not run a full virus check and then do a complete defrag on the drive that is suspect. This may not cure the problem but it can do no harm.


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Aha, a Yorkshireman, eh! A man after my own heart and upbringing. We've definitely got to find the least cost solution for you, then. On my part, it's now a matter of Yorkshire pride!

Next thought: is your operating system up-to-date with software fixes (those recommended by Microsoft as Important); and are your drivers (particularly those for the video and soundcards) all up-to-date, too?

Could it be that your anti-virus software is interfering? Have you tried disabling it temporarily to see if this has any effect?

What firewall do you run: Windows-supplied? other manufacturer's software (e.g. Norton Internet Security)? Also, and this is most important, are running only one firewall product on the PC?



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I agree with Peter's recommendation to temporarily disable your virus/firewalls as the first test so you can rule out its possible interference. Another quick and simple thing to do is also just right-click the exe and see how long the menu/properties takes to display or fails to display. Very slow or or failure to display the menu usually indcates there is some possible interference being caused by the virus/firewalls or the file may be damaged/corrupt.

As a Note:

Since then I have been unable to get ANY update to work. I am essentially happy to use my working 5.5 as it does everything I wish to do

Are you saying you cannot install the PTE v6 installer ? Also, installing a newer PTE program version plays no effect on how a particular slideshow.exe plays on your PC ... the slideshow.exe is completely standalone and does not rely on any installed version of PTE program files.

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Aha, a Yorkshireman, eh! A man after my own heart and upbringing. We've definitely got to find the least cost solution for you, then. On my part, it's now a matter of Yorkshire pride!

Next thought: is your operating system up-to-date with software fixes (those recommended by Microsoft as Important); and are your drivers (particularly those for the video and soundcards) all up-to-date, too?

Could it be that your anti-virus software is interfering? Have you tried disabling it temporarily to see if this has any effect?

What firewall do you run: Windows-supplied? other manufacturer's software (e.g. Norton Internet Security)? Also, and this is most important, are running only one firewall product on the PC?



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According to Windows Security Centre, Firewall, Auto update, Malware protection are all on and other security settings OK.

No difference when Anti virus is off.

I have not done a driver check recently - but will do so.

Just a point though regarding only running one firewall. At one stage, I did install Avast - but then removed it. I wonder if it is possible that some part of that did not uninstall properly and is affecting things? I don't know enough about computers to know if that is a possibility or indeed how to remove something thathad been left behind.

Thanks for your help - I'll keep trying.



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Good news everybody!

As I noted to Peter, I would do a driver update check - and was pleased to note that everything was OK there - but on the other hand it did not resolve my problem.

However I then did a check that I have supposedly done several times before to ensure that I was not running more than one firewall. I discovered a (free!) programme I installed some time ago called Threatfire. I didn't know what it was - but discovered it is a firewall supplied by PC Tools. When I tried to uninstall it I was unable to do so as something was missing. Eventually got onto PC Tools site and was able to download an uninstaller.

Hey Presto - the PTE disc now plays without any problems!

Next step is to see if I am now able to install later versions of PTE on my present computer.

As somebody commented, it is the simplest of things that can cause the biggest headaches.

I still don't understand why it allowed most exe files to run while putting a block on one generated in PTE v6 - but I'm not going to bother trying to find out.

Many thanks for your suggestions - maybe I can now think about a holiday to take some pictures for a new slide show instead of getting a new computer!


Hi Barry

Long shot, have you tried "system restore" to a date prior to your problems???


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Nice to hear that you seem to have resolved your problems. After you do install latest PTE version, please come back and post the outcome - whether positive or negative - just to "close the loop" for others reading this topic.



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