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Backup to Zip


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It has always been my understanding that by “Creating a Backup to Zip” (BUZ) it was possible to move that Zip folder and open it within PTE on a second PC. In fact I am quite sure I have in the past done this.

Recently I have purchased a new PC (W7 64) and have taken the opportunity of rearranging my files to the internal drives using external drives for backup. On my old PC the internal drives were quite small so I virtually ignored them and used externals for main and backup.

I have had occasion to go back to an old show saved as a BUZ and find that it opens with the dreaded blue banner across every slide even though the copied images are within the Zip file. PTE is looking for the images on the old “M” drive not on the drive “D” where the zip file is now located.

Can anybody confirm whether my understanding of the way in which BUZ works is correct. If it did work for me in the past as I'm sure it did I can only assume that on that occasion the drive letters were identical on both machines. I would appreciate the views of others who may have been down a similar route.

Clearly not all is lost as the images are still in the zipped file but there is a lot of work to put it all back together again. Is there some way of altering the directory path within the PTE file?


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The .pte file can be opened in Notepad and then Find and Replace can be used to change text strings. But first ALWAYS make a copy of the .pte file under a new name and then work on this copy.

However, did you Extract the zip file to a new folder or did you simply try and open the .pte file from within the zip file? If you didn't do the Extract then this may be your stumbling block.



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Your backup zip should work on any drive or another PC.

I can only assume you are not opening the .pte file that is actually contained within the backup zip. You must open the backup .pte file just as it resides within the folder that contains the other resource files. If you open it from elsewhere (moved outside of the folder) its most likely you will recieve the blue missing displays.


To change the internal paths to the new drive/folder location ... first unzip the backup and move that folder to exactly where you want it on your drives/paths ( rename the folder if you so desire).

Now, open the .pte file that resides in that new folder location ... and then just Save or Save As depending on your needs. The newly saved .pte file/document will now contain the new drives/paths location.

As Peter has said ... everthing must be unzipped first.

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Thank you Gentlemen,

What would I do without you?

I did not unzip the folder.

On locating the zip folder I simply opened it and selected the XXX.pte file without unzipping the folder.

I can now sleep easy tonight.

Thanks again.


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