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File saving problem


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I have just started putting together a show using Beta 8. The problem is that occasionally when I save the project (I always save under Save As...), it not only doesn't save the project but entirely wipes the previous version of the .pte file. I have not had this problem with earlier versions - is it a bug, or a problem with my system do you think? I have tried saving on two different disks and it happened on both. Did I read about this in a much earlier post? I tried to search the forum but was unable to track it down. At the moment I am saving two copies of the project - just lost one but not the other :) so it's a random occurance.

David P

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If you are using the "Save As" function you MUST specify a New File-Name in the File-Name Box which then creates

a New-File different from that original which you saw in the File-Name Box. So now you have 2 Files ~ the old one and

the new one. This method is used for comparison purposes.

If however you simply choose "Save-As" then the PC will "overwrite" the (old) existing File with your New-File but

it will use the (old) Filename. So now you have overwritten your existing File with the new one ~ this is solely

used for "updating" an existing File by over writing it.

Hope this helps...

Brian (Conflow).

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If you are using the "Save As" function you MUST specify a New File-Name in the File-Name Box


Brian (Conflow).

Also using Beta 8, I can report that both Save and SaveAs are working fine for me.

Past discussions I have seen in this Forum have led me to believe there is a level of confusion about saving PTE projects. Perhaps this has arisen from some deficiency in earlier versions ... but in my experience, only with versions 5 and 6, there is no need for confusion.

The "MUST" advice quoted above is not true. As with any other (properly written) Windows application, "Save" saves the current version of the file, replacing any earlier one in the same location. (If there is no earlier one, Save behaves as SaveAs, so name and location can be specified).

SaveAs is used when the user wants to save a copy with a different filename, or to store in a different location, or both.

If SaveAs is used, but neither filename nor location is changed, it bahaves like Save.

There should be no mystery about this. It's just like any other Windows application. It does seem to me that David is using SaveAs (when Save would be appropriate) because of some dire warning received in the past.

Sorry I cannot imagine what is causing files to be lost. Maybe there is a bug, maybe not. But I suggest using Save (when SaveAs is not necessary) will avoid the problem.


Ken T (APLman)

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saveas command is the "safest" save then you see exactly where it is being saved --with some programs it is saved in the last location you saved to -- better to be safe than sorry --

a save as command makes one think as to changing the name or location


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Thanks, gentlemen for your considered responses to my problem. However, I have used computers for some 30 years, and have never experienced trying to save a file only to have it deleted. Yes, I've saved files with 0 bytes through my own stupid fault, but never lost a file that way. The mystery remains until I get to the bottom of this (if I can).

David P

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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi David

I think I understand your problem, however, what is done is done & hopefully you will find your "lost" file.

When I start a new project I open a Windows folder with the project name, inside that I create two sub folders, one named sound & one named pictures.

Inside the sound & pictures folders I copy the current icons for PTE & Audacity.

I then double click the PTE icon which will probably open the last file I worked on.

I then click file top left of the PTE "horizontal" view which I use, scroll down to new and enter the new project name which clears all the images at the bottom of the screen. I then find the picture folder inside the new project folder which will of course be empty. Once that is done & repeated for the sound section you can close either of the sections and you will get the "This file has been changed do you wish to save" or words to that effect message, say YES and the project will be saved in the new project folder with the elements you have put in there, stray from the method I have described & you will have problems similar to what you have experienced. However, ensure when the save message is displayed, the correct project is is the name box.

I don't claim this is foolproof, but since I adopted it in 2008 I haven't lost anything.

Regards Eric

Yachtsman1 ;)

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