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Hi Tia

That's a complex question - it has two parts. First, if you have an mp3 which lasts for 2 minutes 30 seconds you can certainly create a slideshow with PTE which lasts exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds, but PTE doesn't "randomly select images from a folder."

You must select the image you would like to be in the slideshow and then PTE "can" display them in the order you select "or" PTE can randomly display them and evenly spread the display time of each slide so that the slideshow ends in perfect synchronization with the end of your mp3.

This means that depending on the number of images you select, these images will each display for a time span which when added together equal the time of your MP3. You can also lengthen or shorten the time for any particular slide if you manually add or subtract the time difference to another slide, etc.

It's very easy to have PTE automatically distribute the slides along a timeline which corresponds exactly to the length of time of your music.

Best regards,


if i have a an mp3 that lasts for 2 minutes 30 can pte randomly select images from a folder and create a slideshow that only lasts for 2.30?


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