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Audio Clip Properties-Not working as expected


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I am trying out the new Audio Clip Properties (Beta 12). I don't seem to be able to make it do what I think it should be able to do.

I added an MP3 audio file in Track 1, using the Auto Spread function.

I then added a 9 second wav file in Track 2, the sound of water in a stream. When played, both audio tracks start at the same time, right at the beginning, as expected.

However, I want the Track 2 water sound to start 4 seconds after the start of the slideshow. So I highlighted this Track 2 sound clip in the Audio Clip Properties and changed its Start Time to 4 seconds. But the Start Time did not change so that Track 2 started at 4 seconds. Both audio files still started at the beginning of the slideshow. Shouldn't the start of Track 2 be delayed until 4 seconds after the start of the beginning of the slideshow???

Also, I noticed that after changing some of the times for Track 2, I can not get it to play again when I clicked on the 'play' icon in the Audio Clip Properties or in its floating wave graphic. Is this a bug???

What might I be doing wrong?

Thanks... Gary

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"Start Time" specifies how far into the sound clip you want it to start. "Offset" specifies how far into the sequence you want it to start. You need to use "Offset" to achieve what you want. "Duration" defines how much of the audio clip you want to play.



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Thanks... I had fiddled with the 'Offset' thinking that might do it, but it didn't seem to do the job. But after your instructions, I got it to work as you explained.

I figured out also the problem I was having getting the audio clip to 'replay' or 'reset' back to the far left so it would play again. I found out that you have to click in the yellow portion of the 'Wave form and envelope tool' graphic to get the thin red line to move. And it is hard to 'grab' the red line when it is at the end of the clip on the far right hand side. I might make a suggestion to Igor to put a handle on the thin red line so it is more obvious where to grab it to be able to move it.

Thanks for the quick response.




"Start Time" specifies how far into the sound clip you want it to start. "Offset" specifies how far into the sequence you want it to start. You need to use "Offset" to achieve what you want. "Duration" defines how much of the audio clip you want to play.



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I just noticed a couple of other things I don't quite understand:

If I expand the waveform and look at the very end of it, I see that there is a very small grey section at the end of the audio clip. When I play the audio clip and watch how the thin red line moves, it stops just before this grey section while it is still in the 'white' section. Then, if I hit the play again, the thin red line moves to the right to the beginning of the grey section.

Why does the thin red line stop before end of the 'white' portion actually ends? And why is there any 'grey' section at the end of the audio clip? I see this happening in two different audio clips I have.


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