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I need help quick. I have to have a DVD ready for a wake/prayer service tomorrow. I can create a PC executable and I can create a DVD using the DVD builder in PtoEXE 6.0.......the problem is the quality is superb when I create a PC executable file, but when I create a DVD video disk the quality is terrible and the images are out of focus. Can anyone help me here?? Your help would be a lifesaver since the family of the deceased is depending on me.

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To save me typing a lengthy explanation perhaps you can read this on my web site


If your going to play back your DVD on a TV, then firstly the TV will not look so bad as trying it on your monitor, which I guess you have done. Also you will be viewing the TV from a much longer distance than a PC monitor and that makes the image look acceptable. If you expect to re-create the exe quality in a DVD, you won't unless you create a HD video and I guess the short times scales rule that out.

You sound really concerned about this and my approach would be to consider taking a laptop, projector and a screen, but then I have those to hand.

If not, just go with what you have made, if it is to be seen on a TV, it will look OK. Try it yourself, don't look at a DVD on your computer, that just makes the difference between the exe and a DVD more marked.

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