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Sync Files to Music


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Im a newbie so welcome to everyone.

Im really struggling to sync the music to the slides.

I have 69 slides and a piece of music that is 3.48 long.

I have tried going to project options and clicking Sync music and SLides but nothing happens.

The Time Interval for new slides is curently set to 4

When I click on time line the slides are equally spread out to a time of 4min 40 sec

Please help

many thanks


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Please start a new topic in the main part of the forum and ask your question there. Your question has no bearing on the jerkiness of animation.

And if you do the simple maths you will find that 3m48s = 228s which when divided by 69 slides = approx. 3.30 seconds per slide. So 4 seconds is not the correct value to use to achieve even spread.

All will be revealed if you post into the correct part of the forum.



Peter I understand the maths. I was just trying to give as much info as possible. I thought If I just clicked Sync to music the program would do the caculations as was not aware that I had to do a manual caculation first.

Your Help would be greatly appreciated

many thanks


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Im a newbie so welcome to everyone.

Im really struggling to sync the music to the slides.

I have 69 slides and a piece of music that is 3.48 long.

I have tried going to project options and clicking Sync music and SLides but nothing happens.

The Time Interval for new slides is curently set to 4

When I click on time line the slides are equally spread out to a time of 4min 40 sec

Please help

many thanks




'Sync music to slides' means that the music will stop when you pause the show. The slides stick with the music as you have set the Time Interval for the slides, on the same menu page.

To have the slides evenly spaced out over whatever music you added to the show, you have to click on the 'Auto spread...' choice that is just below the 'Sync music...' choice, on the same menu page.

But a word of warning. If you use the 'Auto spread...' function and then expect to see the correct spreading of the slides in the Timeline, you won't. It will not look like the slides have been spread along the music. To visually see the results of the 'Auto spread' selection in the Timeline, you have to click on 'Timed Points', then 'Arrange All Points'. Then, magically the Timeline will actually show what the 'Auto spread' is actually doing. I have suggested that this action should be done automatically but there is resistance to these actions being linked in an automatic fashion.

I hope this helps and I hope I got that right... Gary

Added later: And, by the way, you have to go through the 'Timed Points' and 'Arrange...' process each time you add or remove slides if you want to visually see the Timeline corrected for your change in the number of slides.

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Welcome to the forum. You'll find plenty of advice here to get you familiar with the workings of PTE. Now to your immediate specific concerns:

Firstly, if you haven't already done so I would recommend downloading and reading the User Manual. That will explain many of the features and options that PTE offers you. In that you will discover that PTE offers you two ways of arranging your slides to the music. Gary has explained one such way - that of spreading the slides out evenly along the length of the music. But many creators of AV sequences prefer to choose where each slide should start and end so that the changes of the slides are better coordinated with the mood and emphases within the music. This can be done only by placing each slide exactly where you want it in respect to the music.

The "Synchronize music and slides" option is used to ensure that, when you use the "Start preview from current slide" button, the music playback is repositioned to start from the same time point. You might ask why anyone would want it to behave in any other manner; and if you did I'd be right there standing at your shoulder supporting you becuase I cannot conceive of wanting it any other way. But this is an example of one of PTEs strengths. If an option can exist then PTE offers it. Many of the options are obvious but some are not.

To manually position your slides exactly where you want them in relation to the music simply switch to the Timeline view and then drag the "flags" to and fro along the timeline. You can call up the music waveform by clicking on the blue waveform button at bottom right of this view.



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I'll now try and clean up this thread a little by removing and/or editing the existing posts. Bear with me.

Posted later: I've overdone the cleanup. I've inadvertently deleted my initial reply to Mark. But he included that in its entirety in his first response. So all the facts are now present and all the extraneous material has been removed.


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Just a remark on your project: 69 slides and 3:48 of music will lead to display times of about 3.3 seconds (including the transition times). In most cases, this will be too short. Gary's proposal to arrange the timed points is (in my opinion) only a first step, and I would recommend the manual positioning pointed out by Peter. In most cases, I position the starting points of the transitions in a way that they coincide with a first beat of a (musical) bar.



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Thanks for your advice and I can appreciate if its for a special presentation the requirment to manually select where each slide goes and to match it to music.

For the most part this is not necessary for me and I just want to choose a number of slides and then choose a piece of music and for the two yo sync together. Is this possible with PTE ?

Thanks again


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...I just want to choose a number of slides and then choose a piece of music and for the two yo sync together. Is this possible with PTE ?


Yes. See Gary's post above.

Add the music via Project Options|Music

In Project Options|Main tick Auto-spread slides along music

In the Timeline view, under Timed Points, select Arrange All Points

Preview the result



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Yes. See Gary's post above.

Add the music via Project Options|Music

In Project Options|Main tick Auto-spread slides along music

In the Timeline view, under Timed Points, select Arrange All Points

Preview the result





Let me add one more point...one of my pet-peeves that I have with PTE. If you select the Auto-spread function, the slideshow will not play correctly in the mini-viewer. In order to see it play correctly (images spread correctly over the length of the music) in the mini-viewer, you HAVE to go through the selection of Timed Points/Arrange All Points (each time you add or remove images). I have tried numerous time to bring this to the attention of Igor. I believe that the selection of 'Timed Points/Arrange All Point' should be automatically linked to when the Auto-spread function is selected. I think questions like the one you raised will continue unless this is addressed. It was confusing to me, and it will continue to be confusing to especially new users who just want to automatically spread their images over the length of the music (and expect it to play correctly in the mini-viewer and see the images correctly spread in the waveform).


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