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Hi all,

Knowing many of you want PTE to have the ability to include Gif

animation, and knowing this will not come soon, I wonder if you'll

be satisfied with a substitute.

Some of you know my utilities that run image over show, run panorama

over show, and run flash over show...

Well, why not run Gif animation over show ?

I think I can do this, but do you really need it ?

Granot :P


Well Granot if anyone can do it it'll be you! It sounds like another of your very handy apps so bring it on please, I'd really like to give it a try. Jim.

Do I need it ? no

Would I use it ? yes

Do I want it ? yes

I like this answer.

Ok, will be ready in few minutes.

I'll post a new topic to announce its upload.

I saw you wrote:

The most valuable feature for me would be the support for animated .GIF

So just to let you know, reading your line gave me the idea to make it.

You are entitled to half of profits from this version.

(By the way.... it's Free).


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