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I have used PicturesToExe for a number of years for wedding image proofing under v4.48. I recently upgraded to v6.5. I have always been able to choose next slide and previous slide from the navigation menu no matter where I was in the slide show. Right now with the latest version, if I am on the very first slide, it doesn't let me go to previous slide . Example: Say I have 600 images in the show. I want to be able to go from image #1 directly to image #600 by just hitting previous image on the navigation bar. Right now it makes me click 600 times to get to image #600. It won't let me click previous if I am on the first slide. Version 4.48 allowed it. Has this "looping" feature been eliminated or is this a "bug" in the program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.... Thank You!

Has this "looping" feature been eliminated or is this a "bug" in the program

The function you speak of has not been available since the introduction of PTE v5. I see in your particular proofing use of PTE ... this feature had some useful benefit. Since v4.48-4.49 ... a few features or functions you may be accustomed to using are now gone.

To be able to go the Last Slide ... it can be accomplished by using the keyboard END key or create a Button Object in O&A. Set the Action on Mouse Click and select Go to Slide with Name.

However ... it would be nice if the Navigation Bar did include a Last Slide button to compliment its Home Slide (first slide) button to better navigate in some particular slideshow needs.


Thanks for the sanity check nobeefstu.... your feedback was very helpful. I guess I just need to modify my instructions I give to customers to add the "END" key function. Thanks again!

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