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Bug in 6.5.2? - Nav Bar [SOLVED]


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I just finished creating a show using 6.5.2. I included the Nav bar, as I usually do. During this process, I noticed that when I click on the Next Slide icon, it actually does a Previous Slide. It sends me back one slide. I was about to upload my final show to Beechbrook but I noticed it again in the final run-through.

Can anyone duplicate this problem?


PS Sometimes it works correctly, but mostly it seems to do the Previous Slide.

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If I read those links correctly, they are about looping back from the first slide to the last slide, using Previous Slide. That is not what I am talking about. When I am anywhere in the slide show, I just want hit Pause and use the Next Slide icon. It tends to go to the previous slide instead.


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Please upload the executable file with this slideshow. I'll check up.



The original file is very large so I chopped it down to just a few images and it does show the problem. Here are the links to the exe and to the PTE files on MediaFire:



I just looked at another show I have made with 6.5.2, and the NAV bar seems to be working OK. Maybe it is just a glich in this other example.

Thanks for looking at it. Gary

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Please upload the executable file with this slideshow. I'll check up.



I just figured out what the problem is. In addition to having the NAV bar, I configured the left mouse button to go to Previous Side (I never did this before). So when I use the left mouse in the NAV bar to go to Next Slide, I am confusing PTE and it doesn't know what to do. Sometimes it goes to the Previous, sometimes the Next Slide.

So it is MY bug...sorry. But is there someway this can be fixed so this does not happen to someone else by mistake???

But I do notice that the NAV bar is not as responsive as it used to be. It takes several clicks and waiting for the slide to move to the next slide. Is that due to the larger image files I have, such as 200K to 300K? Though, using the keyboard arrows work much quicker to go to next or previous slides then the NAV bar.

Thanks... Gary

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That's a good one! I don't know whether this would be possible in the programming but two possible solution scenarios would be:

- if the Nav Bar has been activated, force the left and mouse keys to have value "None" (this, to me, seems harsh treatment)

- if the Nav Bar has been activated and the mouse is clicked whilst hovering over a Nav Bar button, do the Nav Bar button action; but if the mouse is hovering over any other part of the image area, do the action from the mouse button definition (this, to me, would be a more flexible solution; although perhaps prone to user confusion)



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That's a good one! I don't know whether this would be possible in the programming but two possible solution scenarios would be:

- if the Nav Bar has been activated, force the left and mouse keys to have value "None" (this, to me, seems harsh treatment)

- if the Nav Bar has been activated and the mouse is clicked whilst hovering over a Nav Bar button, do the Nav Bar button action; but if the mouse is hovering over any other part of the image area, do the action from the mouse button definition (this, to me, would be a more flexible solution; although perhaps prone to user confusion)





It seems to me that your second proposal is just right. I hope Igor can do this programing, but I am sure he will have a solution. It seems to be a problem waiting to happen if you aren't aware of the potential conflict. I am surprised the lightbulb went off in my head to figure it out. :blink:


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