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I regularly get asked for help by those who have lost their PTE product key and cannot get any response from wnsoft. I have had two in the past week, but one reported back that evenually it was resolved and a replacement key sent to him. This is the one received today

Got my new tutorial disk and have spent a few happy evenings reminding myself how good they are. Unfortunately I cannot get on with any useful work in P2E as my program needs a key and, guess what, there it was, gone!!! It's v5 I have installed. I've e-mailed Winsoft on four occasions now and had absolutely no reply. Are their old e-mail addresses still valid? I'm willing to buy the program all over again but as a canny Scot I'd hate my money and credit card number to be skulling about in limbo for evermore and me left with nowt in the end. I know this is not what Beckham Digital is really for but if you could throw any light at all on this lack of communication for me I'd be gratefull indeed.

There needs to be a quicker response to this issue I think and it happens too often for it to be caused by the spam protection


Sorry to disagree here, but I think that we are laying the blame for this "problem" on the wrong person's doorstep.

It has been said here regularly and recently - assign the latest version of the software and your registration information to a CD and you are safe.

Don't rely on any software manufacturer to bail you out if your computer crashes even though it is no fault of yours.

Wnsoft could probably be more attentive when it comes to answering queries of any sort, but when it comes to registration information you are master of your own fate!



Begging your pardon Dave, but your stating the obvious and I am not laying the blame anywhere.

Having sold around 800 copies of PTE I do attract those who have a problem even those who never purchased PTE from me and I always try to assist them. While I agree that they should have taken more care, life isn't that simple is it. Some people just don't forsee a computer failure until it happens. Wnsoft do respond and resend the product key for those who have mislaid it and the word has got around around that they do. Anyway its good customer relations to respond timely even if that response is to say, sorry we cannot help.


Sometimes the obvious has to be stated and it might prompt others who haven't yet had their computer crash to do something about it - NOW!

Anyway, my last line is, in essence, agreeing with what you say:

"Wnsoft could probably be more attentive when it comes to answering queries of any sort, but when it comes to registration information you are master of your own fate!"


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