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My good lady often complained that I was always doing AV's for weddings for other peoples' weddings and that she, and we, did not have an AV of our own wedding. So I suggested that she buy me a scanner. Sadly she did, and it was one of the new all in one printer / scanner / photocopier. The scans were just awful. So I used the scanner at my camera club and they were much, much better. The photos were damaged by time, but I was able to get some decent images. They need a lot of work, my black suit looks as it I had been in a dumpster all night!

So I offer my first draft. Note that in 1979 there was no such thing as digital photography, no FULL wide screen HD 1920x1200, and so on. The ratio of the day was 1:1 or square.

All suggestions on how I could improve this are very welcome!

download here

Slower version

download here


Thanks Andrew, to do it right I will have to spend some time with PS to remove and correct the blemishes. I have already done some work on them, I need to do more.

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