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Is it possible to terminate a diaporama automatically with a dia which is not the last one ?

My problem :

To create a diaporama with 2 possibilities (one in french and the other in english), I created 2 series of dias (1 for each langage) and a first dia with buttons with a link to a particular dia.

I gave a duration of 3600 sec (1 hour) for the last dia of my first serie so that the second serie doesn't automatically starts.

Is it right so or is there a more elegant solution to this problem ?



Strasbourg, France

Sorry for my poor english !


Bonjour, Patrick,

Welcome again to the Forum! (your English is fine, by the way - much better than my French!

The method of "terminating" that you described is the same as what I use when I want to pause the show waiting for some action by the viewer. You could even add a couple of buttons - one to really end the show ("exit"), and one to take the viewer back to the beginning, and then there would be even less of a chance of a timeout.

Of course buttons will only work on a non-synchronized show. (until Igor provides us with some other possibilities via a navigation bar for synched shows :) )

The "more sophisticated" way to do this would be to create three shows: a single-slide introduction show, a French version, and a separate English version. The last two could be selected via buttons on the introduction show. Then this would also work with synchronized shows.

The method of "terminating" that you described is the same as what I use when I want to pause the show waiting for some action by the viewer. You could even add a couple of buttons - one to really end the show ("exit"), and one to take the viewer back to the beginning, and then there would be even less of a chance of a timeout.

Hi Alrobin

I posted a diaporama ("112") at Michel's site (fanaphot.com) with a choice for the language.

The french solution end's with a dia having a long duration and ... uniformly black ;-((

As ending automatically the show is not possible, your proposal with buttons on this dia is much more elegant than mine.

Of course , with more than one diaporama .... no problem !

Thank you very much for your suggestions.




the show locked me up i thought until i read this entry - had quite a time stpping thisgs -- esc would not work -- it took a bit for my xp taskmanager to id it. so if you could enable the esc to kill show would solve the "emergency" i had .

great show nonetheless


so if you could enable the esc to kill show would solve the "emergency" i had .

Hi Ken

Esc key work's without problem to stop the diaporama.

Anyway, as far as I know, it's not possible to disable the Esc key with PTE




well it would not stop the show -- i was stuck with a black screen

project options -- main -- there is a box there re esc

am in process of downloading some big files -- will retry later -- do not want to crash at this point


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