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I hope that PTE can do it!

Situation is:

1. My project (almost ready) must be "fine tuned" in terms of external picture size.

2. I created an external border which limits the size of picture to be seen. This border is made by means of a Mask Container which is MC#1, which is applied to all slides along the project.

3. To keep all parmeters of each slide, I only have to apply zoom=89,000% to everything below this new MC#1 in order to reduce the size of everything.

4. This method works fine all over the project except when I have complex group of images and effects contained in several existing Mask Containers (MC#3, MC#4, MC#5, etc.).

5. So, for each slide, the ideal solution should be to create a new Mask Container (MC#2), which Mask would be a simple black slide, and whose Objects would be the several existing Mask Containers (MC#3, MC#4, MC#5, etc.). To this new MC#2, a zoom=89,000% would be applied, so, all MC#3, MC#4, MC#5, etc., would be reduced to 89%, keeping all their parameters.

6. So, Is there any method to "insert" all these already made Mask Containers into the new one, MC#2?

7. I already tried the "Additional Mask" way, but in my case I can not use it, because it makes me redo all used parameters in every Mask and Object.

Thanking in advance,


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You don't have to use a Mask Container to create an External Border.

Simply put a PNG file at the top of your layers in every slide and you will be looking THROUGH it at the underlying images.

You haven't quoted any resolution figures so here's a general example.

If your show is being made at 1024x768 and you want to have a 100 pixels border then your PNG file, made in PS, will be 1024x768 with a 924x668 cutout in the middle to create the hole.

Save as a PNG in "Save For The Web" and add as an Object to ALL slides in O&A at the "top of the stack".

This simplifies all of the calcs on the underlying layers.

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You don't have to use a Mask Container to create an External Border.

Simply put a PNG file at the top of your layers in every slide and you will be looking THROUGH it at the underlying images.

You haven't quoted any resolution figures so here's a general example.

If your show is being made at 1024x768 and you want to have a 100 pixels border then your PNG file, made in PS, will be 1024x768 with a 924x668 cutout in the middle to create the hole.

Save as a PNG in "Save For The Web" and add as an Object to ALL slides in O&A at the "top of the stack".

This simplifies all of the calcs on the underlying layers.

Thanks, DaveG, for your suggestion, you are right concerning the use of a PNG file instead of a Mask Container, OK.

But even if I use such PNG file method, I still have the necessity of reducing size of everything below, because I don't want to change all the framing of my slides and respective effects, etc.. This necessity is a MUST. And my real problem is how to do it by means of some kind of "insertion" of everything into a unique "something" (a Mask Container, I suppose).

Is it possible?

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If I understand your objective correctly ... you should be able to reduce the size of everything if you use a Frame Object.

And my real problem is how to do it by means of some kind of "insertion" of everything into a unique "something" (a Mask Container, I suppose).

If all your other objects are child objects of the Frame Object ... you will need only to reduce the zoom /size of the Frame Object and all of its child objects will also be adjusted the same.

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I have always found this to be difficult to achieve retrospectively.

If you highlight and COPY all of the existing objects and PASTE to a newly inserted FRAME does that help? (You then delete originals if it works!).

If you then alter the frame ZOOM percentage to 89% it will apply to everything below.

I still think it best that your Border be added as a PNG AFTERWARDS.


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I have always found this to be difficult to achieve retrospectively.

If you highlight and COPY all of the existing objects and PASTE to a newly inserted FRAME does that help? (You then delete originals if it works!).

If you then alter the frame ZOOM percentage to 89% it will apply to everything below.

I still think it best that your Border be added as a PNG AFTERWARDS.


Dear fellows, DG and Nobeefstu,

THAT'S IT!!! Thanks very much to both of you!

I never knew what was that "Frame Object" for.

Now I know. Fantastic!

It works, 100% well.

First, I added to my slide the new Mask Container with border, which indeed reduces the usefull area to 89%.

I must let you know that such border is to be seen as well. It is a soft "dégradée" with a very thin line around the usefull area containing images.

The purpose of this border is to "make agree" the image (originally made at 1920x1080) with TV sets viewing, due to TV Safe Zone cut.

This way, after burning a Blu-ray disc and playing it in different TV sets, 100% of image is always seen, together with part of the "dégradée" border, beeing this border cut because of TV Safe Zone of each different TV set.

Am I clear?

How can I send you a snapshot with this? How to put it here in the post?

So, after, I created the Frame Object and put it in second place.

I "copy/paste" all objects below (some 17 objects...!) to the Frame Object. Most part of such objects are Mask Containers.

Then, I deleted such original objects.

That's when I applied 89% zoom to the Frame Object.

Everything "inside" the Frame Object reduced to 89%, as expected. And the "new" image is equal to the original one, 89% smaller due to the border.

No problems at all, clean and quick!

Thanks again for your help.


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With the screen looking the way you want hit the PRINT SCREEN button.

Open Photoshop and click on FILE/NEW

Resolution will be set automatically.

Click on EDIT/PASTE to add the Print Screen.

Crop and/or Save As JPEG and add to your reply as ATTACHMENT. USE ADD REPLY - not REPLY.

Please include full screen O&A to show the WHOLE "picture".


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Here it goes, 3 snapshots.

Size is 1920x1080.

post-6554-078767500 1290991295_thumb.jpg

post-6554-042066200 1290991308_thumb.jpg

post-6554-062463900 1290991319_thumb.jpg

#51 is one of most complex, some 17 items. Here the "Frame Object" method was the right way to assure a fast and correct resizing (zoom 89%) of all of them.

All this happens because when I started the project I had no idea at all to finish it in HDTV FULL HD (1920x1080), neither to burn in Blu-ray and play on 16x9 HDTV. So, PTE project itself is made in 1280x720 and all "framing" was designed to 1280x720 Fullscreen. TV safe zone cut would be inacceptable, so I had to create this "border method" applying to different models of TVs.

Thanks again and best regards,


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