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Solution sought


I have been using PicturesToExe for many years and have kept up with each new version.

I have just downloaded the upgrade to 6.5.5 and payed the appropriate fee.

I received the email with the new upgrade key and found I could open 6.5.5. without being asked to activate it. When I opened VideoBuilder I was asked to enter the key so cut and pasted it as instructed. I received an acknowledgement that the activation had been successful.

I then completed a new project successfully and wanted to bun a DVD.

When I clicked on 'Create' followed by 'DVD Video disk' nothing much happened. The curser changed into the revolving circle for a few seconds and then disappeared and no new window opened. I tried this several times with the same result.

I check the 'About PicturesToExe' in the Help Tab and this confired that I had 6.5.5. installed and had a Free Lifetime upgrade of 'Standard Features' and a Free upgrade of deluxe features until 3rd December 2012.

My PC is a high spec Windows 7 (64 bit) system with an uptodate DVD/Bluray burner.

Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem please?


John Eaton


I have attempted to follow you guidance and did go to the beechbrook.com site. I was not 100% what to do from there but followed the instructions. When it came to an end I tried again to open VideoBuilder and the same problem was there. I probaly made an error in the process but I still have the original email with 'key' and should I try uninstalling and reinstalling the whole shebang.

Thanks for your effort Stu





Since you indicate:

I check the 'About PicturesToExe' in the Help Tab and this confired that I had 6.5.5. installed and had a Free Lifetime upgrade of 'Standard Features' and a Free upgrade of deluxe features until 3rd December 2012.

It would appear your new VideoBuilder registration key has been loaded and accepted. Ken's suggestion of trying KeyCopy tool would verify there is key information of PTE and/or VideoBuilder saved in the registry and enabled for both/either program features. ( Please remember KeyCopy tool does not check the registry keys values for valid content entered or any valid dates.)

I then completed a new project successfully and wanted to bun a DVD.

When I clicked on 'Create' followed by 'DVD Video disk' nothing much happened. The curser changed into the revolving circle for a few seconds and then disappeared and no new window opened. I tried this several times with the same result.

Since the VideoBuilder program window is not visibly launching and seems to be not responding ... I would fist check your Windows Task Manager for any VideoBuilder applications running and their current status. Its possible multiple instances of VideoBuilder are running creating your issue.

Remedy Test

Basically , close all PTE and VideoBuilder applications running in the Task Manager (save any pte file content first) and start the whole process again. I would prefer to use a Cold Boot of Windows ... then test PTE/VideoBuilder again.

If the same issue persists ... I personally would do a new clean install of PicturesToExe program to be assured their was no temporary file or original installation issues. Install and test again.

Note: Uninstalling/Reinstalling PTE program does not affect/remove registry key information ... you should not be required to reload both your registration keys.



Thanks to everyone who has helped. I have followed your instuctions and in the process discovered that the error was mine. I was opening VideoBuilder with my second monitor switched off as I expected the window to appear in front of PicturesToExe. On my last try I had my second monitor switched on and of course the window appeared. I have now burned my first P2E project to DVD and although it appears to have created the DVD successfully, for some reason it stops half way through on my DVD player. Not sure why so how have a new problem to conquer. Thanks again for your kind efforts. Sorry for wasting your time. Regards, John


Hi John,

The last stage in the PTE process gives you the option to "Create ISO".

The ISO is the contents of a DVD in one package which you can burn to the DVD later. Turn all other options OFF and create the ISO at a known location on your HD.

Generally speaking, if the ISO can be created successfully on the HD, any problems experienced later are not the fault of PTE but your burner, discs, player etc.

That's my experience.

After creating the ISO, I just double click on it and the correct "Burn Image" module in ROXIO 8 appears and does the burning for me.

There is also something which can play the ISO file which I never got around to trying - "Virtual DVD Player" or similarly titled.

I think it might have been KEN who mentioned it - perhaps he would be kind enough to do so again?




have only made a few ISO's - just to see process work - in my case my Roxio 7 is default burner for ISO




and yes VLC will play an ISO file made with pte -- just tested it with an iso file made with ver 5

beta [95 mb+-]



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