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Video file size


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The problem under discussion is not a question of settings and calibration. If I use MeGUI to create my MP4 video (using the said image) with the option ConvertToYV12(matrix="Rec601") or ConvertToYV12(matrix="Rec709") (a video which complies with the video standards, having restricted range), then I can distinguish the different dark fields when playing the video using the internal media player of my Samsung TV, i.e. the settings of the TV are ok. If I then create my MP4 video with the option ConvertToYV12(matrix="PC.601") or ConvertToYV12(matrix="PC.709") (a video which does not comply with the video standards, but having full luminance range), then I cannot distinguish the different dark fields on the TV (while still using the media player of the TV); I surely can do it on my PC using VLC. It seems that Gary has made a similar experience using the external Western Digital Media Player, and in cases where the external player has cut the shadows, you will not be able to repair it inside your TV! I guess that my TV would behave in a nice manner, if I would connect it with my PC. But this is not the question, here. All I am asking for is an option for the PTE VideoBuilder to create MP4 videos which comply with the standards, and not only videos with full range (good for PC and Mac, but not for standard compliant media players).



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Guest Yachtsman1


Thanks - but I'm not sure that adding a further example helps me to understand what is going on here.


Both sequences have an MP3 soundtrack ("Windmills of my mind" for Rubik and Allegri's "Miserere" for Rievaulx). But the actual MP3 content is irrelevant; the only point of relevance is, I believe, the fact that the MP3 files are encoded at different bitrates - as I have indicated in my initial post. This difference will have an effect on the file size - but the perceived effect is the reverse of that expected. The sequence with the larger MP3 file comes out as a smaller video file. The sequence with the shorter duration comes out as a larger video file. As our trans-Atlantic members would say: Go figure!



Hi Peter

Why I queried your sound files, IME creating a DVD with Video Builder, it Hoovers all the contents of the folder your show is in, bit like Picasa, before conversion.

Regards Eric

Yachtsman1. :unsure:

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Yes, Lin is right about different file size of two MP4 video files with same duration and size (1920x1080). It's because by default we use "One pass - Quality" mode in VideoBuilder. And you adjust "Quality" parameter. And like saving of JPEGs in Photoshop, file size depends on content of picture. A picture with solid color areas will give smaller file size. Also "Quality" parameter is smart - you can use same value for any size of video (640x480 and 1920x1080). It will produce same quality for final picture.

In opposite, if you use "One/two pass - Bitrate" you have to adjust it according complexity of picture and increase bitrate for larger picture size.


I'll try to repeat your test with shadow (black level) on my HD media player connected to Epson TW2000 (high-quality 3LCD projector). I spent much time calibrating black level for DVD player and HD media player. I think I'm able to see this difference between black levels, too.

Please use all color range for video from 0 to 255, Otherwise you will get faded picture. The necessary conversion from 0-255 to 16-235 is performing during encoding H.264 video file.

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