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The last one about the fiests of PeƱiscola .

The two culminating days of the festival, on September 8 and 9, the local dancer group accompanies the procession which takes place during the prayer of novena in the old village.

More information in the slide show .

A big thank to Natalia Sanz who give me this article and to Patrick Bantzhaff who translated it in english .

You can download it here ( thank you Bill ) .

A Mac version can be dowload here.

50 , 8 Mo

95 views 1728 x 1080

7 min 47 sec .

Comments welcome .



I think the use of the picture in picture in this show worked very well and I can say that the animation was flawless on my computer. Smooth as silk. Your images made at 16:10 format 1728*1080 would not be quite a crisp on my PC because my monitor runs at 1920 * 1200. I saw your show full screen, which was nice, but to see the images the size you created them, I should have had a border all the way around the images. The fact that I didn't, meant your images must have been enlarged slightly and quality may be lost, although I have to say there was not too much evidence of that.

Looks like a great festival, but all in a tight area, must have been difficult to photograph.

For those involved with the fiesta, I think and 7:47 minute show is fine, but for me, perhaps 2 -3 minutes less would be better. After 5 minutes I have the flavour of the festival, which the music helped, and I have seen a wide variety of images. So an ending around 5 minutes would have improved it for me.

You were blessed with fine weather too at a time when the worlds weather seems to be going mad !!


Thank you , Barry .

I did the choice of this format to be abble to see my slide show on a HD Tv via a HDMI port ... 1080 is the good for it .

16 :10 = the most near of the gold number ... Just my choice ! i admit all others .

Yes ; little area ; but I well know to pass from a street to other ; the problem is the persons who use smartphones or compact ; the spanish women are very animated , and when she saw a member of the family , it is a local revolution : movements , voices ...

Ok with you for the length ; the fact is that this slideshow is for a local media schools that a schooltmaster organizes for the villages of this part of Spain ; this mountain is poor , the roads are with a great number of curbs , but all the schools are connected by satellite with the net . The intention is to permit to each one to know what happens near . The problem is that the tv show them what happens in Queensland , but says nothing about the village at 20 kms .

Thak you for your comment , Barry .

PS : my youngest son was yesterday in Alice Springs; very happy . :rolleyes:

PS2 : sorry for my english ...:(



Daniel -

Great show. I love the candid photography, the colors and music. I thought it flowed quite well and the length wasn't an issue for me, I think the music carried the length well.



Hi Daniel,

I thought your show was very enjoyable and the choice of music perfect. The quality of the images throughout were excellent and you handled the extreme contrast range very well. I also liked the handling of the portrait format images - their inclusion did not in any way interrupt the flow of the sequence. Personally, I agree with Barry and would have shortened the sequence by a minute or two, but I understand your reasons for keeping it that way. It is obviously a wonderful opportunity for candid photography and you certainly made use of the opportunity!

Regards - Malcolm


What an amazing festival and your presentation was first class. The variation of transitions and the PIP's together with the very appropriate music maintained the interest all the way through. I was moved by the enjoyment, enthusiasm and belief of the villagers that you have managed to convey.


Thank you Malcom , Andrew and Mickp .

I enjoyed very much doing the pictures and the probem is always the same : one selection, two ,three , and too much photos at the end .

It is more easy when you do not know the persons !


Thank you Davy

I was looking for a music a long time ....

The original music is not very pleasant to hear a long time for strangers ears ....




Great show, especially the PIP effects. re the music, maybe a next time you can also add the music these musicians are playing. Would be nice for the atmosphere.

Can you tell me a bit about your camera and lens(es) you have been using?





A very enjoyable show and your pictures captured the festival perfectly. I saw on your end credit that you used 3 pieces of music and maybe one of those pieces could have been of some faster tempo music, reflecting the dancing the people did. I had no difficulty with the length.

Thanks for showing it.



Thank you Ton and Bert for your comment .

Ok for the last music ... But always the problem is to choose ;:religious , atmospher of religious , or dance ????

Spain have particular relations with the religion . But i love this !

Ton : my lenses are Canon 17/40L and 70/200l , and bodies old Canon 400 D .


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