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  On 2/16/2011 at 1:28 PM, Igor Kokarev said:

Hello Henri,

Video output for video clips in progress yet. But we're almost finished.

Hello Dominique,

Still at least two weeks, sorry.

Hello Igor,

Almost finished, your 7.0 Beta?

Please, just tell me that you are including an "old" request of mine and some other members', which is that so-called "inverted mask possibility"!

This point was put before,


and you can not imagine how we miss it!

Unless it is not so easy to introduce such "negative button"...!

Best regards, and my sincere congratulations for this unique PicturesToExe software!



Hi Shirley,

Not yet, but you can put in animated GIF's. Video clips will be available "very" shortly in 7.0 beta 1 though, and most video file types will be accepted. Also you will be able to do some fantastic things "with" the video such as 3D transforms, pan, zoom, rotate, layers, etc., etc.


  On 2/18/2011 at 11:24 PM, shirleyhogan said:

I have been away from P2E for some time now. With 6.5 is it possible to put videos in shows? If so, what file types? Thanks

  On 2/18/2011 at 11:24 PM, shirleyhogan said:

I have been away from P2E for some time now. With 6.5 is it possible to put videos in shows? If so, what file types? Thanks


Version 7 will provide video within slideshows. It is currently under development. Stay tuned !! :)




Igor, I just now downloaded the video twice and it will not run.

It shows a file of 24.3 meg but when I try to run it all I get is a black screen and nothing else.

No sound either.

Guest Yachtsman1
  On 2/22/2011 at 9:43 PM, Dan D. said:

Igor, I just now downloaded the video twice and it will not run.

It shows a file of 24.3 meg but when I try to run it all I get is a black screen and nothing else.

No sound either.

Hi Dan

That's odd, I've kept a copy and it opens with a double click, black screen then first slide. Have you tried the RH arrow key? did you get the file from a zip folder? did you open the zip folder by just following the unzip instruction, has the file got the latest PTE icon? Is it the PC version.

Yachtsman1. :unsure:

  On 2/22/2011 at 10:10 PM, yachtsman1 said:

Hi Dan

That's odd, I've kept a copy and it opens with a double click, black screen then first slide. Have you tried the RH arrow key? did you get the file from a zip folder? did you open the zip folder by just following the unzip instruction, has the file got the latest PTE icon? Is it the PC version.

Yachtsman1. :unsure:

Have you tried to download and run a new copy??

I think Igor only has a PC version at this time?

I have downloaded several others from this forum in just the last 2 days. All unzipped and ran fine

except the one from Igor.

I downloaded the file that is linked from his #1 post in this thread and unzipped it and when I

double click on the exe file my screen goes black and nothing else happens.

Is 24.3 meg the correct un-zipped size??

FYI, I'm running windows xp with latest service packs. 2 gig of memory. I have never had this

problem with any other P2E shows. I even re-booted just in case but it still won't run.


There is instances where downloaded content is blocked and will not function.

This may or may not resovle your issue:

Right-click the ZIP file and select properties. Click the Unblock button.

See image attachment.


Guest Yachtsman1
  On 2/23/2011 at 12:18 PM, Dan D. said:

Have you tried to download and run a new copy??

I think Igor only has a PC version at this time?

I have downloaded several others from this forum in just the last 2 days. All unzipped and ran fine

except the one from Igor.

I downloaded the file that is linked from his #1 post in this thread and unzipped it and when I

double click on the exe file my screen goes black and nothing else happens.

Is 24.3 meg the correct un-zipped size??

FYI, I'm running windows xp with latest service packs. 2 gig of memory. I have never had this

problem with any other P2E shows. I even re-booted just in case but it still won't run.

Hi Dan My version is 36.3MB if you PM your Email address I will email it to you, or alternatively I can up-load it to Mediafire & let you have the link. No time at present, back at 5PM.

Regards Eric




Your 36 MB file was the first sample Igor created ... he later re-issued a modified (smaller) 24 MB file version. The link(s) now only obtains the re-issued smaller version and not the 1st larger older build.

From a earlier post:

Posted 11 January 2011 - 09:50 AM

After I read comments on French forums I decided update this demo video slideshow. Now it's 24 MB file:


Previous variant (38 MB) was larger because 2nd slide had 38 second's video but actually it used only 10 seconds. So I've converted a source file again.

Both variants (old and new) use 5 mbit bitrate for video clips. HD ready quality 1280x720 30p. We didn't finish work to find optimal bitrate and parameters of compression yet.

One of current tasks is to reach best smoothness of video playback. We already can support 60p video and interlaced video with good de-interlacing


I just downloaded another copy.

Same result.

I "unlocked" it and unzipped it using winRAR.

I have done the exact same thing dozens of times to view other shows

except I never unlock them I just unzip them.

I did it only yesterday to see Lin's "video" and one other.

Both ran flawlessly.

This one from Igor just goes to a black screen and then nothing.

Right arrow key does nothing.

Has anyone with XP viewed the new smaller file successfully??

Has anyone with XP viewed the new smaller file successfully??

Both the 36 MB and 24 MB versions played beautifully on my XP SP3. The video card is a Asus GTS 450.

  On 2/23/2011 at 3:34 PM, Dan D. said:

Has anyone with XP viewed the new smaller file successfully??

Just now I downloaded it again and run it 100% ok.

XP SP3, ATI RADEON HD5770 (made in China...)




This is troubling.

I can download any other slide show and they all run flawlessly.

This one with the video from Igor will not run for me......

I don't know where to go from here.

I am really looking forward to the release of P2E with video so I am truly worried

that it won't run for me when it is released.

I wonder what would happen if Igor made a new one that did not start

with a black screen?

I am grasping at straws here. I want this to work very badly!!


Since this is just the first Alpha release ... I would suspect it may not be 100% compatible for all users hardware and video. You may have to wait till the actual Beta testing starts to resolve/address particular hardware and video issues.

Details of your hardware and video would be helpful to Igor in sorting these type of playback issues

From Igors post #7:


Currently video playback in version 7.0 Alpha requires video card which fully supports DirectX 9.0 or later. It's all desktop video cards manufactured since 2003 year. And Intel video cards since 945GL (GMA 950). We use hardware acceleration for playback. Probably we will write a special code to support more old video cards. Currently you can see greyscale video on such old video cards.

  On 2/24/2011 at 10:16 AM, Igor Kokarev said:

Try the updated version of this demo show:


L8.zip gave me the same result. Black screen and nothing more.

ESC key does exit back to normal display.

I have sent a message to my computer savvy son who built my PC.

As soon as he tells me what is inside my PC I will post here.



My processor is Intel Pentium 4 2.53 GHz

2.0 GB Ram

See attachment for screen shot of video adapter-



Hi Igor

In reference to my post # 6 and your reply post # 7

Older computer, low end graphic card, all video images greyscale.

On board video card - Accelerator in Use - Intel® 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family.


With your latest demo - Videoand_and_Pictures_L8.exe ( post # 45 )

The video is now in " COLOR "

Thanks to you and the team for writing the code, I am sure this will be an asset to the marketing of PTE for all those older computers world wide.


Pentium 4 CPU - 3.00 GHZ

Graphic memory size 128 MB



If I got it correctly, you use an Intel on-board graphics controller released in 2002. You cannot expect an appropriate performance from this hardware. Sorry :rolleyes:




Thanks, Ralph!


Regrettably it impossible to show video on old Intel video card 845G with 64 MB of video memory with good quality. I'll think what we can do. You might ask why Media Player works fine? The problem in fact that usual player just plays video through special output system - overlay. In PicturesToExe we use Direct 3D mode to show pictures with effects and we have to use another mechnism to process video and integrate video clip onto slide. Many old video cards have some hardware acceleration for simple video playback and suggest nothing for video playback through Direct 3D. Even if write special alternate code (complex) we get poor performance.

Another problem in a fact that Intel always developed graphical cards with extremely low performance and old technologies. These cards are always strong headache for me.

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