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Sliding order of slides on bottom ribbon [SOLVED]


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I am using PTE6.5 in Win7/64 and everything is working well. In sliding pictures left and right to rearrange the order there are about 12 images at the bottom which are easy to rearrange within the group of 12, but how do I slide an image 24 positions to the left or right? Cut and paste do not work, and when I drag, it just stops at the edge.

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... In sliding pictures left and right to rearrange the order there are about 12 images at the bottom which are easy to rearrange within the group of 12, but how do I slide an image 24 positions to the left or right? ... when I drag, it just stops at the edge.

Edwin, if you have a steady hand, try this method of moving one or more images beyond the screen limits. Drag to the left or right edge, then (still holding the mouse button down), come back just a little from the edge.

I think I stumbled on this by accident - now I use it all the time.

Good luck!

Ken T. (APLman)

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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Edwin

I use both the methods mentioned above, additionally you can reduce the height of the strip along the bottom of your HORIZONTAL VIEW screen by grabbing the line above the thumbnails & dragging it down slightly, this reduces their size & therefore increases the number in view. This also applies to the vertical lines to the right & left of the vertical slide list.


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Hi Edwin,

Hold down the CTRL key and click on each desired slide to make multiple selections. Once selected, you may move groups of slides.

Best regards,


Thank you, all three. My problem is solved, what a good thing forums (or is it fora?) are. Is it possible to move, say 3 slides at a time?

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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Edwin

To add to Lin's suggestion,click the R/H slide of the group you wish to move, hold down the shift key & click the L/H slide of the group, this highlights the group & you can drag them either way.


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