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Suitable Lap Top

Mike Reed

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Hi All

Having just had my HP lap top die on me (purchased in 2006) what would anybody like to recommend as a suitable replacement for showing PTE AV's. Ideas from the UK would be best as I guess not all World Wide models are available here in the uk Price in the £ 500/600 bracket. My existing projector only has 15 pin D type imput


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I think that you need to specify a few more details - price?

Most of my friends and I have opted for SONY and there is a good range of prices there.

One of the main factors (in our case) is that HDMI output is standard.

Reliability, IMHO is as good as you'll get anywhere.


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I know a good few AV workers who use Acers and are happy with that brand.



Thanks Peter

Our camera club had a bad experience with an Acer (Ferrari) so I must admit I am not too keen to go with that make.


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Guest Yachtsman1

I've had two Sony & one Samsung in the last 10 years, the Sony's seem to have built in obsolescence after 3 years, but the 4 year old Samsung is still being used as my back up slide show machine after the Ram was up-rated to 4GB. I bought a portable desk top earlier this year as I couldn't find a laptop with which I thought would keep up with development speed at a price under £1500. If you are going for a LT with W7, use the 64 bit Professional OS or above & at least 8GB Ram.


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I've had two Sony & one Samsung in the last 10 years, the Sony's seem to have built in obsolescence after 3 years, but the 4 year old Samsung is still being used as my back up slide show machine after the Ram was up-rated to 4GB. I bought a portable desk top earlier this year as I couldn't find a laptop with which I thought would keep up with development speed at a price under £1500. If you are going for a LT with W7, use the 64 bit Professional OS or above & at least 8GB Ram.


Thanks that is most helpful.


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