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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Solcf

I use version 6 of PTE before the sound editing was introduced so I cannot comment from experience of the latest version. However if you want to perform more complicated sound track edits & would get a free copy of Audacity the sound editing software, once mastered it's easy to use.


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Hi Solcf

I use version 6 of PTE before the sound editing was introduced so I cannot comment from experience of the latest version. However if you want to perform more complicated sound track edits & would get a free copy of Audacity the sound editing software, once mastered it's easy to use.


Hi Yachtsman 1. Thank you for your advice. I'm using 6.5 with a degree of editing. I also use Audacity but would like to know if it is possible to delete parts of a sountrack without using a seperate prog'.

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Just as you cannot edit (i.e.change the content) of an image file within PTE so, neither can you change the content of a sound file. All you can do is apply a "transition" to the ends of the sound file (i.e. you can apply a fade). You can also add some silence to the start, by setting an offset before the sound file starts to play. And you can decide to start part way through and/or stop part way through. But, to cut a piece out of the middle of a sound file you need a sound file editor such as Audacity.



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Just as you cannot edit (i.e.change the content) of an image file within PTE so, neither can you change the content of a sound file. All you can do is apply a "transition" to the ends of the sound file (i.e. you can apply a fade). You can also add some silence to the start, by setting an offset before the sound file starts to play. And you can decide to start part way through and/or stop part way through. But, to cut a piece out of the middle of a sound file you need a sound file editor such as Audacity.



Thank you Peter. To know that it's not possible to cut sections from the middle of a sound file in PTE is very useful & time saving.

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Actually you "can" do this with PTE, but it's not straight forward and you have to ask yourself if you really "want" to do it with PTE? To accomplish this you would need to first load the song twice. Next set the ending time for the first iteration of the song to where you want to splice it. Next set the beginning of the second iteration to the time where the song resumes. It's not a very satisfactory way of dealing with a silence and would be "much" better to take the selection into Audacity where you could precisely cut out the silence.

Best regards,


Please can any one help? I can trim sound from the ends of a piece using the sliders but how can I remove a silence within the waveform in PTE

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