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Registration Key [SOLVED]


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I purchased Pictures to Exe together with the CD backup on 29th January (Order ID : 38N9B3L-C4RD2) . The CD arrived several days later, but I still haven’t received the Registration Key after 7 days.

I have emailed orders@wnsoft.com and also Regnow regarding this but neither have replied. Is there anybody out there who can help me?



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I downloaded the trial version from the wnsoft site (http://www.wnsoft.com). A few days later I returned to the site, followed the “buy now” links and purchased the program and backup CD. Later that day I received confirmation of the order (Order ID : 38N9B3L-C4RD2) from orders@wnsoft.com., the headline to the confirmation was “regNow Digital River” and the CD was posted in Germany.


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