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I find it very frustrating that any time I make an adjustment to an image in Photoshop and overwrite an existing image in PTE with that new image, PTE still shows me the old one.

I have to close PTE and relaunch.

Perhaps I am missing something, because usually f5 refreshes, but in PTE that starts a preview.



To refresh with the new or edited image ... I usually double-click to open Customize Slide and then just click OK . All is refreshed with the updated image.

*It only refreshes the selected Slide ... it wont refresh the whole Slide List.


I am using PTE extensivley for tutorials now and I want it to pick up the new file without imput from me, otherwise even that workaround gets tedious.



Go to next or previous slide and return to original?

Works for me.

Are you working from the O&A window & viewer ?

Has your Slide List image also changed and updated (image thumb view)?

(Its possible your edited image changes were not drastic enough and may not appear in the small thumb image view. Try some drastic image editing)

What Barry is talking about is from the main GUI Slide List (thumb image view). There is no automatic Refresh routine invoked in PTE when a external program makes changes to a image file. Manually invoking a Refresh by using the Customize Slide/OK routine is a work around to accomplish this.

The only way I see it ... once focus is off the external image editor window after finishing the saved image editing ... and the focus is then back on the PTE window which then needs some auto/manual refreshing.

The basic issue here is when using external program(s) in the same runtime ... is how to let PTE know when/what to refresh when the external program(s) is finished. This is a very common problem in using mutilple programs in the same runtime.



If I send an image from the FILE PANEL to CS4 for editing and SAVE AS from CS4, when I get back to PTE the changes ARE shown in the File Panel but not in the Slide List.

When I go into O&A any instance of the edited image reflects the changes.

If I am working in O&A and have the image already open in CS4 I might go straight to CS4, perform the edit and SAVE AS.

When I return to PTE O&A the image which I edited remains in its pre-edited form.

I then go back one slide - forward one slide for the edits to be "recognised".

It depends on your way of working.

Is a big black blob in the centre of the image drastic enough?




I then go back one slide - forward one slide for the edits to be "recognised".

There is other Refresh routines involked when certain actions are performed or opened in PTE. ... there just isnt any directly in the Slide List. I see Barry's point of not having to do a click-here and open-there to make it possible.

So it is possible in multiple ways to invoke a Refresh routine ... it just depends on the other window(s) or action you may be working in.

* I personally would make PTE minimize when invoking a Edit Image command ... and once the external editor Process ID is completed and closed, PTE is then restored/maximized in a complete refresh state. Minimizing PTE while such programs as Photoshop is open and working will help some resource usuage limitations some users systems may have.

*Additional Notes:

I have observed the fact the Slide List image view is auto-updated (refreshed to the new edited image) when disabling Advanced Options |Show Real Slides in Slide List. So currently its only a refresh issue when using the D3D process when displaying the real slides in the list.



When working on a show I typically have NX2, CS4 and PTE open (although I find myself using CS4 less and less - only for Layering two different images).

I've never, with my current setup, seen the need to minimise any of the packages to go work in another package.

You advice is probably good though and something to bear in mind.



P.S. Stu,

I'm not sure that I agree with your last statement - unless I am misunderstanding it.

If I send an image from the File Panel (not the Slide List) to CS4 or NX2 and edit it then save it, the result of the edit is immediately visible in the File Panel when I return to PTE without performing ANY refresh action whatsoever.

Unless I'm missing something, the only place that you can send an image for editing is from the File Panel?




Its also possible to Edit Image with right-click of Slide in the Slide List. We have both been talking about the Edit Image ... but from different access points. I probably should have correctly said Edit Picture ... but its still the same thing.

See attachment.




The fact remains that you don't have to re-boot PTE to refresh?

Is that a question or an observation ... hhaaa :rolleyes:

My observation is you either have to:

-Click Customize Slide/OK to manually update or refresh the image view of the selected Slide within the Slide List.


- Disable View | Advanced Options | Show Real Slides in Slide List ... which will auto-update or refresh the Slide within the Slide List after editing.


Reatart or reboot PTE.

The attachment shows the image issue after Edit Picture.



Its not just the slide list, mine don't refresh in the mini player either.

I take an image from PTE, change some words on it in Photoshop, save it back into Photoshop, overwriting the original file name, but when I open PTE and run the new image, I still see the old one.

I don't mind hiting a key to refresh, but I do this too often to be that interested in work arounds. Even a work around becomes tedious when you do it enough times.



Its not just the slide list, mine don't refresh in the mini player either.

Just to keep the record straight and everybody on the same page ... mine also doesnt update in the mini-player.

Its just with all the testing while enabling and disabling the Advanced Options ... my Show Real Slide in Mini-Player was disabled during the screenshot test. When ths feature is also disabled it possible to get the auto-refresh of the image in the player.


I wonder if we are all on the same wavelength.

Here's a before and after - PS1 is before I right clicked on the bottom image on the left and asked it to Edit Picture. Picture was edited and Saved.

PS2 is after I returned to PTE without clicking on anything whatsoever.





You screenshots show exactly what we have been talking about all along. Your second image after the image edit shows the file panel (File List) updated ... but your Slide List and Mini-Player images still shows the old image before the edit.

If you now select that Slide (in the Slide List) ... then click Customize Slide/OK ... you will then see the Slide List image and Mini-Player image updated to whats seen in the File List


I think I can now see what you are seeing.

If you had explained it properly!! ;)

If you send the image for editing from the FILE PANEL then it works as I/you would expect and an update is carried out free of charge.

However, if you send the image for editing from the Slide List then, when you return, nothing appears to have changed until you go into O&A where the changes are shown straight away without intervention.




Your sounding like my wife, when I don't understand her, its because I am stupid

When she doesn't understand me its because I didn't explain it right :rolleyes:

  On 2/25/2011 at 10:53 PM, bbdigital said:


Your sounding like my wife, when I don't understand her, its because I am stupid

When she doesn't understand me its because I didn't explain it right :rolleyes:

I'm beginning to "warm" to your wife!


P.S. Do you agree that you don't have to re-launch PTE to refresh?


I agree there are ways to get around that, but I find it odd that when you over write a image, with PTE open, it will show you the previous image. I am now used to it, but it could be very confusing for a new user.

If it is an easy fix, then it should be fixed.

Doing the amount of work I am doing for a new project, even a work around is becoming tedious



I jumped in when you said that you had to close the program and re-launch, which is not necessary.

It would be easier if it refreshed via a single click.



Its not always best to use a single click. I often update 3 images in one go and then a re-launch is quicker, but that isn't really the point. I would like it fixed if possible.

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