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Problem obtaining my registration code (SOLVED)


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Hi I have purchased Pictures to exe using my credit card online on the 2nd february 2011.Despite many emails requesting a registration code,this still has not been sent,and it is now 10th March,I have even contacted support,but still no registration key.Is there a problem with this software or the support.

Support have emailed me several times,with a copy to someone called Elena who they have asked to send the registration code.But still no success.Currently I am using the trial version without the registration key.I would be grateful if any one can help me with this as my photo club is intending to do a Pictures to EXe training symposium but I think the other members will not purchase the software if it cant be activated

My customer order number is Customer order ID: 38NP2NU-5KRXA

Kind regards

Michael Hing

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