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Hi I am a new user of PTE, and am trying to make my first slide show.I have inserted a blank slide at the beginning and have written text for the title on the blank slide.I would be grateful for information on how to make the text scroll from the bottom to the top and then disappear during the duration of the first slide

thanking you for your help



Hi Michael,

It's a really simple thing to do. Just highlight the text in the Objects and Animations screen. Size the text using the mouse then drag it down underneath the viewing area. You may need to change the view from the default to something like 25% so you can easily see the active area of your monitor. Next, go to the timeline and click on the + sign next to where it says "tools" on the bottom right of the screen. Another keyframe in blue will appear. Drag this keyframe to the right near the end to the time when you want the text to scroll off the screen at the top. (assuming you want it to scroll from bottom to top). Next, with this second keframe still hightlighted, use the mouse to drag the text off the screen to the top of the viewing area.

The text will appear at the bottom of the screen and scroll upwards and off the screen during the time the slide is displayed. You can adjust the timing by moving the first and last keyframes appropriately.

I would suggest going here and looking at my tutorials - you'll find a text tutorial as number 15. They are in AVI format. If you can't see them using your current player, just download and install the free Kataris Media player.

here's the link for the tutorials section:


Best regards,


Hi I am a new user of PTE, and am trying to make my first slide show.I have inserted a blank slide at the beginning and have written text for the title on the blank slide.I would be grateful for information on how to make the text scroll from the bottom to the top and then disappear during the duration of the first slide

thanking you for your help


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