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Slide Shows will not run

Speckled Hen

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I have created slide shows with various versions of PTE and although they work perfectly in preview when the show are created (including old shows) they will not run. My PC freezes when I try to run a show and no attempts to unfreeze it will work. The shows run ok on other PC's including my laptop so I presume it is a 'gremlin' in my main PC. Do you have any suggestions please?


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Please provide some details to help us form our opinions:

- what version of PTE was used to create the slideshows?

- what hardware is being used to play them back (CPU, ROM, graphics card)?

- what operating system does each of the machines use?

The more detail you can provide, the more likely that someone will find the right solution.



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Please provide some details to help us form our opinions:

- what version of PTE was used to create the slideshows?

- what hardware is being used to play them back (CPU, ROM, graphics card)?

- what operating system does each of the machines use?

The more detail you can provide, the more likely that someone will find the right solution.



The shows that I was trying to run were created in May 2008 with whatever the latest version was then and another created May 2010 with the again the latest version

Your second question is I am afraid too technical for me. I have 3gb of RAM. The shows however have worked in the past.

Windows XP on all of them.

I might add that although they 'freeze' sometimes the sound track plays like a stuck record and no images are shown

Thanks for your interest.

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If these sequences have worked in the past but aren't working now, that implies that something has changed. The first thing to do is to think back over the software installs that you have done in the last few months. It could be that one of these has brought the problem into the open. This can be investigated by uninstalling such software and trying to run the sequences again. It could also be that an upgrade to WinXP has introduced conflicts with the device drivers for the sound and graphics cards. If that is the case, updating these drivers might resolve the problem. Since you found the second question too technical, I would advise you to get a friend to help you update the device drivers.

Also, as you seem not to be technically minded where the PC is concerned, it might be worthwhile having your friend perform some simple "maintenance" on the PC. Just as a car needs regular servicing to keep it operating at its best, so does a PC. Over time it amasses a lot of redundant code that occupies space on your disk drive; and a lot of redundant entries in the registry (the master catalogue) that can cause problems. I "clean" my PC of redundant files and registry entries once per week. It takes only a few minutes when done that frequently. It may take significantly longer on a machine that has never been "cleaned".



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Thank You for that but I feel we are at cross purposes. I would have thought if it was a driver issue then the sequence would not work in preview.

Perhaps I have not explained the problem fully. When I say the sequence will not run I do not mean it will not run properly but not even start

I have even tried creating a single image show with no audio but it never gets past the blank slide and usually not even that far. As soon as I try to open the exe file there seems to be a conflict and everything freezes up and I mean everything. It may even still be on the windows folder screen containing the slide shows. Not even Ctrl Alt Del will do anything.It simply does not move either from the blank slide or the windows folder. I have to resort to unplugging. There must be a conflict between something in the PTE files, when an exe file is created, and something on my PC. Everything else works OK. The exe files will even run on an old PC.with 'old drivers' Shows created with Pro Show Producer also work fine.

Thanks again

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As you have stated ... The shows however have worked in the past.

I agree with Peter that something has changed in your OS/PC.

First troubleshoot test is to turn-off all virus protection programs and firewalls your are using. As a safety precaution ... make sure you are not connected to the internet. Test the EXE Slideshow for playback results.


When in doubt and unsure of video issues its always best to reinstall/install the latest video drivers. Also reinstall MS DirectX v9 drivers (on your XP). This will help start you forward in your troubleshooting steps. Its hard to compare with your Pro Show Producer slideshows since they are compiled differently and may not use D3D.

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I have now solved the problem. It was as suggested connected to my anti virus/firewall (AVG). The sequences would still not run even with them turned off beacause apperently there are still files lurking in the background that identify 'Potentially Unwanted Programmes' and accordingly block the opening of the exe file.

There is a facility to create exceptions to these PUPs which just takes a second or two and then all seems to work OK.

Wouldn't life be much simpler if the antivirus 'warned of the PUP' when opening the file and then give you the option of creating an exception rather than freezing the whole system.

Thanks to those who have offered suggestions

Perhaps this solution could be filed somewhere in the forum in case others experience similar frustrating problems in future.


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