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Please read "Known issues" here:

before post bugs-reports on PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0 Beta

If you discover a problem with a particular video clip, please send me link to this file here or via personal message. You can use www.mediafire.com service for uploading.

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Hallo Igor,

the new Version looks good.

I tried to playback a video. But I can't hear the sound from the video.

It does't doesn't matter, if "mute audio" if enabled or not.

There is on other souindfile added to the project.

Video File is AVI

Res: 640x480 30 Frames

Audio: 64kBit by 8kHz Mono

Fiel came form a Fuji Finepix Camera.

Best Regards



Hi Igor,

No sound on video.

Also Offset on video not working.

Type in offset time but video always plays from start of slide.

When I go back into O&A window offset has gone back to zero.




Tell Igor some details - what type video (FLV, MP4, MPEG II, etc.) and do you see the Navigation Bar on your video? If so, click on the far right on the little "speaker" Icon. This can also kill the sound... I first thought you might have confused the new feature "offset" for sound clips, but I see now that the offset for video doesn't appear to work. It's either a feature which has not been turned on or it's a bug....

Best regards,




I'm getting an access violation error when trying to insert a .MOV file.

The details change but the error will not go away and I have to use Task Manager to close PTE before I can continue.

It happens on both my Vista Laptop and my XP Desktop machines.

Please ask if you want further info.



Thanks, I'll read bugs-reports tomorrow. I forgot to add. If you discover a problem with a particular video clip, please send me link to this file here or via personal message. You can use free and popular http://www.mediafire.com service for uploading.

Please keep in mind there is a lot video formats, file containers and combination of parameters. We're trying do the best that we can. Some issues with particular video files can be resolved, some not. Probably you've faced with a situation when even the best video player doesn't play all files you have. In the nearest beta releases we will include built-in video convertor to get video into the best format for PicturesToExe.

The best formatd of video for PicturesToExe are DIVX, XVID or MPEG4-ASP (NOT H.264) at 1280 x 720 30p. For these video clips I get just 6% of CPU loading on my home PC.


Navigation bar is enabled by default for a new project started in version 7.0 Beta. If you modify an old project, created in previous versions (or you start project based on an old template), please turn on new navigation bar manually. Please see my "Guide to New Features in version 7.0": http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/help/7.0/PicturesToExe-700-Guide-to-new-features_EN.doc


Thanks Igor,

The MOV format is currently being used by Nikon and other manufacturers for their DSLR and Compact Camera movies so I envisage that many photographers will want to use this format straight out of camera.


Guest Yachtsman1

The single video I have produced from my Nikon D5000 DSLR calls the file AVI. See screen shots for properties details.






  On 3/30/2011 at 9:19 PM, yachtsman1 said:

The single video I have produced from my Nikon D5000 DSLR calls the file AV1. See screen shots for properties details.


Actually what I see from your screenshots is AVI and not AV1 . You can verify this by your filename which includes a 1 (one). Also the Window displayed in your screenshot is not a PTE properties window but a Windows properties window. See what right-clicking the video object in PTE File Info display reveals for you.


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Nobeefstu

Slip of the finger, sorry, however I am not sure what you suggest about checking in PTE can be done without downloading the latest version, which I have no intension of doing until the flack dies down, (Maybe Beta 10)??? :unsure:

Regards Eric




Users with cameras producing AVI Movies will have no problems.

Cameras which produce Full HD 1920x1080 Movies appear to use the MOV format.

D7000 Movie Spec:



I have been able to video clips (mp4 and Divx) to a test slide show. Both played back perfectly with sound.

However, when previeing the show (or when playing the final exe file) I get the following exception message:

What does this mean please?

Ron West





Thanks, we've fixed issue with Offset parameter for video clips in future Beta 2.


I've recieved your MOV video file (Nikon compact camera) and confirm this problem. We'll try to solve this problem. Thank you!

Personally I tested with my video files from my cameras and phones:

- Canon 550D (MOV with H.264 1080p)

- Canon IXUS 100IS (MOV with H.264 720p)

- Sony NEX-5 (MP4 and MTS with H.264 1080p and 1080i).

- iPhone 3GS (MOV, H.264 480p)

All these video files play fine in PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0 Beta.


I have been able to video clips (mp4 and Divx) to a test slide show. Both played back perfectly with sound.

However, when previeing the show (or when playing the final exe file) I get the following exception message:

Please send me this EXE file. I'll try reproduce this issue and then fix it.



I think that I may have discovered the reason why I was getting the exception error message (my previous post)

I used a test slide show that I had created in version 6.5 and then added the video clip (using version 7).

I recreated the slide show in version 7 and then added the video clip again - this time I DID NOT get the exception error message.



Can you reproduce your reproduce this issue if you start new project in previous version 6.5, then save project file, open in version 7.0 Beta 1 and then add this video clip?

If the problem occurs only with that original project, please could you send source files of this original project in ZIP archive?



I have used a video that was produced by PTE Videobuilder (HD 1920x1080 Medium quality) as an object on a slide. In order to find the limits of my nVidia card I eventually added three copies of the video to the slide. At that point I could see that the playback was now stuttering. All three copies of the video object were also doing some pan, rotate and 3D transforms, so I wasn't surprised that the graphics found it a bit too much to handle.

I then wondered what whould be the result of rendering this project through Videobuilder to a new single video stream (again HD 1920x1080 Medium quality) and then bringing that back into PTE as an object on a single slide.

The rendering seemed to work OK but I could get no sound when playng back the MP4 file through either VLC or QuickTime. When I took the file into the new PTE project, it also had no sound. Because there were three copies of the video in the original project I had muted the sound on two of them. Has PTE not spotted that one of three was unmuted? Has it reacted only to the status of the third, and last copy, and rendered the video stream as a muted sound?




Sound problems

Congatulations Igor, there are a lot of very attractive features in this release.

Even with my old Nvidia GeForce Go 7600 I had no problem inserting a MPEG4 video clip (see Mediainfo report). It required only few seconds to create the EXE file, and the quality is quite good, very very impressive!

Now, I am very eager to test my Sony and Panasonic AVCHD 720p and 1080i videos!

1) However I have experienced an important problem with sound features. Using the music tab of Project Options, when I specify a duration shorter than the sound file length, PTE plays the music perfectly well up to the duration specified but after there is a big amplification and saturation problem and it becomes unusable.

This problem did not exist with v6.5. I must say the problem remains with or without the video clip.

2) It would be nice if it was possible to be able to adjust the sound level of the video as for music and comments


For your information :

Mediainfo report on video

ID : 1

Format : MPEG-4 Visual

Profil du format : Advanced Simple@L1

Paramètres du format, BVOP : Oui

Paramètres du format, QPel : Non

Paramètres du format, GMC : Pas de warppoints

Paramètres du format, Matrice : Default (H.263)

Identifiant du codec : 20

Durée : 1mn 11s

Type de débit : Variable

Débit : 5 195 Kbps

Largeur : 1 280 pixels

Hauteur : 720 pixels

Format à l'écran : 16/9

Type d'images/s : Constant

Images par seconde : 24,000 Im/s

Espace de couleurs : YUV

Sous-échantillonnage de la chrom : 4:2:0

Profondeur des couleurs : 8 bits

Type d'image : Progressif

Bits/(Pixel*Image) : 0.235

Taille du flux : 44,0 Mio (96%)

Bibliothèque utilisée : Lavc52.66.0



PTE 7 beta 1.

Not sure if a bug or just how it works. Single slide with iphone 4 video. Slideshow set to repeat. New Navigation bar scrub indicator stays at 0 after first pass of slideshow instead of moving with video. Time display increments.


Same issue as Tom's post above is also experienced with the new Navigation Bar in the compiled EXE version. Using multi-slides with auto or manual made no difference. The slider did however progress as normal after manually dragging it past the 0 position to the next position. The timer display did not reset to 00:00 if the show was repeated. It may be this scope of work in Beta 1 is not fully implemented yet.



This is not a new v7 bug. The actions of Slide...Rotate Clockwise and Slide...Rotate Counterclockwise are not Undo-able. I found this in v6.5 also.



  On 3/31/2011 at 4:30 PM, tom95521 said:

PTE 7 beta 1.

Not sure if a bug or just how it works. Single slide with iphone 4 video. Slideshow set to repeat. New Navigation bar scrub indicator stays at 0 after first pass of slideshow instead of moving with video. Time display increments.


Thanks! I've reproduced this problem. We'll fix it in Beta 2.

  On 4/1/2011 at 9:19 AM, fh1805 said:


This is not a new v7 bug. The actions of Slide...Rotate Clockwise and Slide...Rotate Counterclockwise are not Undo-able. I found this in v6.5 also.



It's a file operation (although lossless). We wrote rotation information into hidden file inside a folder where located rotated image files. So this rotation info is available for any version of PicturesToExe. We can't undo file operations.

When I took the file into the new PTE project, it also had no sound. Because there were three copies of the video in the original project I had muted the sound on two of them. Has PTE not spotted that one of three was unmuted? Has it reacted only to the status of the third, and last copy, and rendered the video stream as a muted sound?

You're right. It's a bug. Will be fixed in Beta 2. Thanks.


I have experienced an important problem with sound features. Using the music tab of Project Options, when I specify a duration shorter than the sound file length, PTE plays the music perfectly well up to the duration specified but after there is a big amplification and saturation problem and it becomes unusable.

This problem did not exist with v6.5. I must say the problem remains with or without the video clip.

Thanks, I'll try reproduce this issue.



Please explain in more details this problem.

1. Where exactly it happens (in Project options | Music tab, or in slideshow)?

2. What exactly happens - some issue with audio or the program hungs up?

3. Probably do you mean that you hear a sound "click" at the end of music?

  On 4/1/2011 at 12:09 PM, Igor Kokarev said:


Please explain in more details this problem.

1. Where exactly it happens (in Project options | Music tab, or in slideshow)?

Yes in Project Options/ Music Tab. I used a slideshow already prepared with v6.5 and I opened it with V7.0 everything was OK the music works fine. Then I inserted a video clip as a new slide, but it was necessary to stop the music during the video clip, so I modified the duration parameter of the sound file (Music Tab). But I was very surprised because the duration was not modified but the music was amplified and saturated during the video clip. I thought the effect was caused by the video clip so I deleted the video clip from the timeline but the problem remains the same. I saved the project with a new name but I got the same result.

2. What exactly happens - some issue with audio or the program hungs up?

see above, no the program did not hung up

In fact the first time I read the slideshow with the mini viewer I think (not so sure because I cant reproduce it after)it was OK but reading the slideshow with the preview button or by creating an exe file the problem was there.

3. Probably do you mean that you hear a sound "click" at the end of music?

No that is not a sound click. I could recognise the music but very amplified and saturated, it appears on the synchronization bar/timeline as a plain rectangular blue bar.


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