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PTE v7 embedded video on older PCs


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Although I haven't finished exploring this subject yet, I thought I would share my early thoughts with you all.

As part of my checking out of PTE v7, I have been building up a sequence of increasing complexity: "stress testing" my graphics card (nVidia 8400GS) to find the point at which it is unable to cope with the demand I am placing upon it. My method was to add the same video clip (HD 1920x1080, Medium quality - produced by VideoBuilder from PTE v6.5) as multiple objects on a single slide, and subject each of these video objects to some pan, rotate and 3D transforms. With just one or two copies of the video object, the system ran everything nice and smoothly. With a third copy, it has arrived at the point of visible overload: all three copies now show very noticeable stuttering. But in doing these tests a further idea came to me.

What if I now rendered this PTE project into a new output video (again HD 1920x1080, Medium quality)? Would that show the stuttering performance of the graphics card? or would it produce a smooth-running video? And the answer?...

It produced a smooth running video (without sound, but I've reported that to Igor as a possible bug). The next question was: what would now happen if I took this new video back into a PTE project? Would it still run smoothly? And the answer this time?...

When I play the newly created MP4 file through VLC and through QuickTime it plays as smooth as silk!

So, those of you who fear that your PCs may not be able to handle video within your PTE projects, try producing HD Video output rather than EXE file. Based on my limited testing, you might be very pleasantly surprised.



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Peter, thank you for your tests.

But I would like to add that is is not specific to video feature with V7.

It is the same for complex slideshows, especially the ones with mask containers.

If your graphic card is a little bit old, you will have better result with video than with exe forf smoothness... But not for the size and output quality.

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...But not for the size and output quality.


I agree that the file sizes have to go up by an order of magnitude, but I find that the visual quality of a HD MP4 played back on my TV set via a USB device is impressively good. It's not quite up to the standard of an EXE played back on the desktop monitor - but very, very close!



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