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I have been having many problems with Pictures to exe (pte)since I started using the prog. I have bought the deluxe version 6.5.8 I believe it is.

I have successfully created one DVD slide show which is perfect but on trying to create another I have had so many issues its not true.

They are

1 failure to consistantly install pte, gives a failure message of code 5 and is unable to delete a file somwhere.

2 if after a "good" install I try to create a DVD the program video builder hangs with the message in the info bar at the top "not responding" all the time.

3 I have a file in my "exe projects folder" labeled the same as my "good" project but it is much shorter and has an apendage of 3 to distinguish it from that with a 2. The file name is "Azura slide show2" and the other "Azura slide show3". I wish to delete #3 but cannot, and the system tells me that it is in use by "pictures to exe". (I cannot load #3 either because I cannot "see it" when I open this folder from within pte.) This cannot be because I closed pte down but it is the same even after I UNINSTALL pte. I then deleted as many PTE files as I could find until I came to one with the following link "Program files/wnsof pictures to exe/6.5". I tried to delete this and was told the folder is in use by another program and could not be deleted although to the best of my knowledge pte is NOT on the pc.

Can anybody help me to unravel what is going on in my machine with pte. In all other aspects my PC is running perfectly. I run windows 7, my video and sound drivers are uptodate, and i have installed service pack 1. I have plenty of memory installed At this time I am unable to install pte. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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Whatever your problem is, it is unlikely to be a problem caused by PTE itself since, as you say, immediately after your first install you were able to burn a DVD successfully. It will more likely be a problem within Windows itself, and possibly caused by the clutter left behind by your activities to date. Indeed, I am slightly concerned that your manual interventions in the Program Files folder and such like, could have resulted in anomalies and errors in the Windows operating system registry. Therefore, if you haven't already done so, I would strongly recommend running a reputable "PC Cleaner/Registry Cleaner" program to get rid of any clutter left over by your numerous attempts to install/uninstall the program.

Also, have you run a full hard disk scan with your anti-virus software since these problems began? With so many different problems all happening at once, in your place I would want to be certain that they weren't being caused by the presence of malware.



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Thank you for your quick reply Peter. I have run a full scan and run CC a free registry cleaner etc and found one virus which mcafee dealt with ok. I then tried to install which this time was successful. Tried to run video builder but again it responded by going in to a loop and informing me that it wasnt responding. It does this by inserting this comment next to the prog. title in the top left hand corner. I have successfuly burned to a disk with Ashampo so I know that my burning process is ok. Can you think of anything else I might try? The reason I started to delete files or try to is that I know that many uninstalls leave peculiar files scattered around and I thought I would see if that was the problem.


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Hi Yorky,

I'm afraid my experience with VideoBuilder is very limited. I have used it perhaps half a dozen times to create HD Video (H.264 MP4) files to playback through my TV via a USB memory device. The best that I can suggest, based on what I've seen posted here on the forum in the past, is to try creating a custom AVI file and then using your external burner software to burn the DVD. I admit that is only a work-around.

Unfortunately you have hit this problem just as PTE v7.0 has started its beta programme. That means that both the expert users here on the forum and the programming team at WnSoft will be focussed on testing the new version and in investigating and resolving bugs in it.

I don't know whether time is a pressing factor for you or not? If it isn't it might pay you to monitor the V7.0 topics here on the forum for a couple of weeks and when it seems as though the initial fires have died down, try downloading the then current v7.0 beta to see what that does. If you still have problems when you use v7.0 then Igor and the team will certainly get to work on finding a solution.

Sorry I can't offer anything more constructive.



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