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Creating DVD from old slideshow


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I have recently moved alot of my old PTE slideshows along with their accompanying images (which I am always careful to keep together in a purpose made folder) onto an external harddrive.

I now want to recreate the slideshow and burn it to a DVD disc with Video Builder deluxe. The slideshow has found all the images and music and previews fine but when I go into the video software it cant find the images even thouigh I have carfelully navigated to the place on the external drive where my slidshow now is!!

Can anyone suggest a reason why??? I am at a loss as to how to now create a DVD video of my slideshow.



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You need to load the saved .pte project file into VideoBuilder. Just open the project file in PTE program and then select Create | DVD Video Disc ... the project will be auto loaded into VideoBuilder. Then proceed with the process.

*VideoBuilder burns from the .pte project file ... not the individual image and sound files in your folders. You do however still need the individual image and sound files/folders for the .pte project file to get its resource selections.


If you are using v7 Betas ... the proceedure is newly named under Publish | DVD Video Disc .

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