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I am doing a slide show and have used Project Options to put in a music track.

I would like it to start on slide 2.

How do I do this//




Hi Mary,

You go to the "Music" tab in the Project Options. Put in an "Offset" equal in time to the running time of slide one. This will hold the start of the music for the duration of display of

slide one and begin it with your second slide.

Best regards,



Hi Lin,

Many thanks. I had the start time at 6 seconds - the length of slide one but that did not work. I'll do the offset.

What is the purpose pf the start time box?

Cheers Mary


Hi Mary,

The "start" time actually is the amount of audio you want to "omit." from the beginning of your audio selection. For example, let's say you had a three minute audio and you wanted to start it at the two minute position. You would then set the start time for 120 seconds and the audio would play the last minute of the song or voiceover, etc. I know - it's a bit confusing. But the thinking is like this: WHEN do you want to Start the playback along a timeline from beginning to end. If you think of it like that, it makes more sense.

The "offset" determines when you want the "beginning" of your musical or sound track to start. The start time determines how far along in the playback you want it to begin. You can also alter the end time and functionally "cut" or stop a sound playback before the end. You can also fade in, fade out, cross fade and use the envelope feature to create volume level changes or actually kill the sound for any period of time during playback, then bring the sound back. You may want to watch these videos:


The above series of four videos was done by one of our French PTE users (Jean Claude) and are very helpful. I've got to go to that section and slightly modify the title because it is somewhat confusing since it refers to "streaming videos." Actually, the "streaming videos" are AVI format tutorials on "Audio".....

Best regards,



Or' you can simply add 6 seconds of silence to your audio file via your music editor. Then, no offset is required.


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