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I would like a year date to zoom from nothing to filling the screen to add a bit of drama, is this possible? I have looked in Animation but can not get that to do what I want?


That's a pretty easy task.

Start by setting sufficient time on your slide to accomplish the zoom in the manner and time you want.

Create your text and position it where you want. Highlight the first keyframe and set the zoom to the lowest possible which would be 0.001 (highlight, then type the number into the zoom block) then create another keyframe at or near the end of the timeline. Click on this new keyframe to select it, then set the zoom to something like 30 for that keyframe so you can see it (type it in again) and use the mouse to drag and position it as large and where you want it to end up.

That's all there is to it.

Best regards,


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Dave

I guess you are pretty new to PTE? I've got up early to check my mail so I'll give you my rough guide to zoom date.

1Add the date to the image you want, blank or otherwise.

2 Click the objects & animation button. You should now see the date superimposed on your image with a gold line around the main image.?

3 Click on the date inside your image & the gold line (bounding box) should change to surround your date.

4 Grab the bounding box & drag to the centre of the screen so that it reduces to a dot.

5 At the bottom right of your screen, you should see 5 buttons labelled back arrow, + and forward arrow, play, + and -. Click the top + symbol.

6 Now grab your date dot & drag it to the size you want & click the first back arrow button.

7 Set the time on the slide to about 15 seconds in customise slide.

8 If you are using an older version of PTE pre 6.5 you should now click the mipmapping button, which is found under the Properties tab top right of your screen, current versions I believe have made this function automatic.

9 Next click the play button & you should see your date zoom out from a dot to whatever size you left the bounding box at.

I've added some screen shots to try to illustrate what I have said. When you get more proficient, Lin's method is the way to go, for myself I use the rough way.








Thanks guys thats brilliant, easy when you know how.

I am new to PtoE and I have only made three AV's but I kept to basic techniques and I want to make them more sophisticated. I saw one last night using 3D where the cube rolled around with different menu pages on each side, got to be able to do that, so that is the next learning curve.

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