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Music sync with slides


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Hi all, having completed my first 'slide show' in p2e i have encountered a problem, well several really but this one i cant seem to solve lol

Having created an EXE file for the comp once i play it, if i click on nav bar to next slide etc that works ok but the music plays as if not moved so goes out of sync

What am i missing??

Many thx

Update...i am using my own music so cannot tick 'sync music with slides'

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If you've added the music via Project Options|Music, what's stopping you from ticking the "sync music with slides" box? Doing this should solve your problem. The effect of ticking that box is to ensure that, whatever slide you ask PTE to display, the music is synchronised to the correct time point along the timeline.



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So that means you have added some soundfiles via "Customize Slides". You need to find these and remove them if all your music is also added via Project Options. I'm afraid there's no easy way to do that. You will have to check each slide in turn.



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Guest Yachtsman1

There is an easy way to check which slides have music added, it's call Project Reporter, you can download it free from Beechbrook, or try a search on here.


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Try hard

Just get the screen up that shows all the images as thumbnails along the bottom of your screen. Click the first of those on the far left and look up at the extreme right corner of the window, where it says "Add Sound" now use the arrow keys to skip to the right keeping your eye on that "Add Sound" area. When you get to a slide that contains music you will see it clearly. Click on it and select remove sound file.

You don't need any other software and it will take you a minute or two

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Guest Yachtsman1

Copied from a previous thread on the subject.

(Posted 13 April 2010 - 03:03 PM

Thanks for the tips. Both useful but have found that the 'Add Sound' option only works if you have used this facility to add the sound. If you have added the sound by Customising the Slide, this does not work.

The Project Report Option is the most comprehensive method and provides a lot of other useful information.




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