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I recently purchased PTE Deluxe. When I try to create a DVD in Videobuilder I get a message across the bottom of the screen stating this is a trial version. When I copy and pasted the product key into videobuilder is said it was accepted. I am not sure if I just received the standard version or deluxe. I was charged the $75.00 price. I have submitted two tickets with no response. Can someone help me... I have clients waiting on slideshows.




Hi Brooke,

You should have two separate product keys: one for the main program and one for Video Builder. First be certain that you are copying and pasting the correct key. If you did not receive two keys, please respond right away and Alena will get right back to you.

Best regards,


I recently purchased PTE Deluxe. When I try to create a DVD in Videobuilder I get a message across the bottom of the screen stating this is a trial version. When I copy and pasted the product key into videobuilder is said it was accepted. I am not sure if I just received the standard version or deluxe. I was charged the $75.00 price. I have submitted two tickets with no response. Can someone help me... I have clients waiting on slideshows.




Hi Lin,

Thank you for the quick response. It does look like there are two keys between the ---KEY BEGIN--- AND ---KEY ENDS--- lines. The instructions read to copy and paste everything between and including KEY BEGIN AND KEY ENDS lines. Should I just copy and paste the VB part of the key into Videobuilder?



Hi Brooke,

Let's try that. I haven't actually seen a key for a few years so am working from distant memory, but I think you only want the part for Video Builder - Let's try and see what happens...

Best regards,



Hi Lin,

I just tried copying and pasting just the VB part of the key, but said it was invalid. I noticed it keeps asking me to upgrade to the Deluxe version. I guess they just gave me the Standard. How do I remedy this?




Hi Brooke,

I will email the developer, but they are in Russia and right now with the time difference it will probably be a few hours before they can respond, but they will get right back to you as soon as they get the message. I'm confident that by tomorrow morning your issue will be solved.

Best regards,



Hi Brook,

I have emailed the developers and they will get the email as soon as they get to work. It's about 5:40 am right now, their time, so they will get this message in a few hours and get right on it. It's "possible" there may be a resolution later tonight so check your email.....

Best regards,



I recently purchased PTE Deluxe. When I try to create a DVD in Videobuilder I get a message across the bottom of the screen stating this is a trial version. When I copy and pasted the product key into videobuilder is said it was accepted. I am not sure if I just received the standard version or deluxe. I was charged the $75.00 price. I have submitted two tickets with no response. Can someone help me... I have clients waiting on slideshows.




New registration key has been sent to your e-mail address. Please try to apply new key and let me know about the results.

Kind regards,

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