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Good day.

Sorry for my engle, that's not so good.

I would like a 360gr panoramic photo in my series recording, I have a mov file, but it does not give the desired result, I only see six separate recording instead of a 360 Panoram.

Is there a way to have them play in PTE.



Guest Yachtsman1

Lin showed a 360 pan some time ago using multiple stills stitched together with one of the panorama software packages. He added it to PTE & using one slide at a slow speed acheived a 360 degree effect. Try a search for Lins posts "Panorama".



Hi Gerrit,

It depends on what you mean by 360 degree panoramic. Let me try to explain: You can take overlapping photos and arrange them so that 360 degrees of horizontal coverage is achieved. The "last" photo and the first photo can be the same. Then use photo stitching software to stitch these into a very wide panorama which covers 360 degrees in the horizontal direction. You could then play this large horizontal panorama in PTE as a 360 degree scroll but it would not be the same thing as a 360x360 degree panorama. With PTE there is no way to have Active control over the scroll like you can do with Java or with some of the other web software designed to let the user scroll about and see a complete 360x360 degree view. These always have perspective distortion and require specialized software for that purpose.

If your 360 degree pano is made into a VIdeo, you can, of course, display the video in PTE.

Here's a quick sample of a 360 degree horizontal panorama done by stitching overlapping photos to achieve a horizontal 360 degrees....


Best regards,




I have no trouble creating a panorama, take a look at my site.


I have worked one year or 6 with PTE that is not really my problem, what fails is a MOV file in a panorama series insert, I do get to see images, but no panorama is what I would like a 360 degrees mov file in a show of my series.

I have just one test pano put on my site, which you could download and play in PTE, then you can see what I mean.





Hi Gerry,

You won't be able to do it that way with PTE. This type 360 panorama is designed for QuickTime with manual controls. PTE can't display that type mov file in the say way as QuickTime or players designed to allow manual control in real-time with movement. The only way you will be able to do it is as I described in my demo, by creating a "flat" or "planar" rather than cylindrical 360.

If you stitch as I described, you can then place the 360 degree horizontal view pano in PTE and run it in automated mode, but you will not have manual control and you can't display a cylindrical 360 in the video mode of PTE. The only way you could use a video for a 360 degree panorama is to shoot it in video mode from a tripod and display that video.

Another way you "could" display a 360 degree panorama (including 360x360) would be to place the separate image into a "cube" and display it that way as a "cubic" panorama - in the same way as described in QuickTime 5.0. I have tutorials in the tutorials section on how to create cubes so having six square images containing all the geography for your 360x360 pano could be displayed in that manner.

Best regards,



I have no trouble creating a panorama, take a look at my site.


I have worked one year or 6 with PTE that is not really my problem, what fails is a MOV file in a panorama series insert, I do get to see images, but no panorama is what I would like a 360 degrees mov file in a show of my series.

I have just one test pano put on my site, which you could download and play in PTE, then you can see what I mean.




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