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exe deluxe 7.0 beta 11 crashing!


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Hi, I have been using Pictures To Exe for some time now and never had a problem. I have used 7.0 various betas OK. Today I tried to make a slideshow using 7.0 beta 11.

There was no problem placing the slides and previewing the show. Only when I placed music on it did the problems start. 1st problem..similar to poster bbdigital's problems (posted 19 June) with multiple pxe fail boxes. Had to shut the programme down to remove boxes. Then when I restarted it and tried to preview the show I got the following message... exception EAssertionFailed in module Pictures To Exe.exe at 0010c584

The programme was now locked (would not respond to any key) and I had to shut it down. After restart I now get the following message

Incorrect time (C:\Worlds\PTE\PteLib2\PteClasses\wnPteSourse2.pas,line 431)

The message is removed by clicking OK. But although the show opens and the slides are displayed the show will not run when I press preview (preview running is displayed at the bottom of the window). No image is in the main window all publish/preview/project options are greyed out.

I am not 'computer literate' so I hope there is a simple to understand answer to my problems.

Thanks Petejack.

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Thanks for your report!

Please could you repeat the problem with adding of background music and give me step-by-step instruction to reproduce this issue?

Other problems probably happened because the project file was damaged after the first error.

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I must admit I've not heard of this problem before and have not encountered it myself. Have you tried uninstall/reinstall? That can sometimes clear up problems of this kind in other software products. It may do the same for PTE.



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I'm getting it as well.

I added a track - added a piece of music to the new track and configured it - then pressed OK and got the same screen as BB.

I don't know if I can do a screen grab - I just reached for Ctrl - Alt-Del.

That's the only way out.


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Here's a step by step perhaps someone else can try it.

Project Options - Music Tab

Add a piece of music to track one.

Add a new Track 2

Add the same piece of music to track 2 and press OK.

At this point I'm OK but the two tracks are running "in Parallel".

Go back to Music Tab - click on the piece of music in track 2 and click on the wave form Icon.

This brings up the waveform and envelope tool and I'm still OK.

Click on Customise to bring up the Audio Clip Properties - still OK.

Set the Offset to the same time as the length of track one - Click on OK and all **** lets loose!!!!!!


P.S. I'll try this in 6.5

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Anyone who saw my previous post, I deleted it because Dave has now posted an exact step by step. And I confirm that I get the same result when I follow those steps! PTE code seems to go into a vicious Error handling loop. Nasty little so and so to break out of with Task Manager too. There seem to be several PTE related applications present at that point. It took a while to find the right one to hit on the head.

Thanks for the step-by-step Dave. Even if Igor cannot now recreate, there are at least two of us who can.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi again! Just tried to make a slideshow with beta 13. Everything going OK until I added 3 short video clips(avi). At first the video ran OK when starting from a couple of slides in front of the video, but when I tried to preview the show (no audio as yet added, other then then video audio) I have got the same message as before..

Incorrect time (C:\Worlds\PTE\PteLib2\PteClasses\wnPteSourse2.pas,line 431)

Now the programme is frozen and no amount of clicking on any feature of the programme produces any result.

After computer restart I am able to run a previously created show but when I open the show with the video I get ..EAssertionFailed in module Pictures To Exe.exe at 0010C718

The message is removed by clicking OK. But although the show opens and the slides are displayed the show will not run when I press preview (preview running is displayed at the bottom of the window). No image is in the main window all publish/preview/project options are greyed out.

Thanks Petejack

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Please send me source files of this project or executable file with show which does not play.

I'll check up for this problem.

You can use www.mediafire.com free service to upload files and then send me personal message with a download link.

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Hi, This may be a dumb question but I am not that computer literate. I do not know what source files are or how to use mediafire (sorry)!I have tried a reinstall but still no luck. I have opened the programme again and although it has frozen I created an exe file of the slideshow so far. The exe file will not open on my computer but in properties it is shown as 610MB.

I have removed the video files from the show and started a new project using just the photos and up to now the programme is running fine. As soon as I open the show containing video I get problems. The video was shot on a canon 5d2, loaded into pinnacle studio and with no editing done to it, saved as an AVI file and then placed in exe beta 13.

I have come over from using proshow gold and I still have this on my computer, I have made a slideshow using exactly the same photos, video clips plus added a full soundtrack and it plays back fine on both my desktop computer and laptop.

I think that I am a bit out of my depth using a beta version. I will wait until the finished version is released before messing with video again.

So for now I will let them that know what they are doing do their stuff


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