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Border width and colour


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Hopefully I am missing something but is there any way of setting border width and colour, globally or even selectively over a number of slides?

This seems strange when you can set a default shadow and % of size in Project Options/More.


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Because you cannot add a frame globally within PTE, I personally turn to my image editor to do the same thing. I create my frame on a transparent background and save it as a Png file which will retain that transparency. Sometimes that may only be a 1 or 2 pixel line

Inside the Objects and Animation screen, you can click to add an image and place your frame over the first image in your show. Now copy the frame from the Objects section using Ctrl+C and skip to the next image from the top right. Hit Ctrl+V and you have the frame on the second slide.

Yes, you still have to visit every image, but its a darn sight quicker than the PTE way and you have one important advantage. If after you have done all this, the frame is too bright. Simply make another and save it over the top of your original frame. The new version is now applied to every image instantly.

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Once you have added the slides there's no way to do it. But, if you add your first slide, then add your border to that and then (this is the important bit) click on "Save and Use by Default" at the bottom of the Properties Tab, then PTE will automatically apply that border to every image that you then add. Note that I said "image". The border will be applied to "picture in picture" images as well as to main images. Give it a try, it might be what you are looking for.

One final word of caution. The settings for that border are remembered and used in your next project. That can be a problem or it can, if you are wanting to establish a "house style", be a blessing. I have PTE set to apply a 3-pixel medium gray border to all my 1920x1080 images.



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Hi John,

Yet another way to add a border to all the slides in your sequence is to create a .png, transparent file of a rectangle with exactly the same pixel dimensions as your PtoE project. Give the rectangle an inner, outline border of 2 or 3 pixels (or as required) and in the colour you need. Save as a .png (the inner, empty area will remain transparent).

In PtoE open Project Options and find 'Show Copyright Logo'. Check it and then open 'Customise':

Browse to your saved 'png file of the border.

Position : Centre

Opacity : 100

Size : 100

Offset : 0

Click OK

This will give you a thin line around your sequence at all times.

Colour/width etc., can be changed globally by over-writing your .png file.

I use this method and, so far (touch wood!) it's worked for me!


Sheila G

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Thank you all for your time and suggestions.

Barry, that is how I usually do it (copied from one of your early demo discs of some years back). I have also added it as a "copyright logo". The benefit of this method is that it only needs to be inserted once, however the downside is that it appears on every slide - even blank slides.

Peter, Sheila, I will play around with your suggestions over the next couple of days.

Lin, as you say "sadly" it can't be done in the way I had hoped.

What do you all, and others, think about this?

Do you think that it would make sense for this facility to be ALSO included within Project Options/More/Default Settings along side "Display shadow" and "% of slide"?

If there is any support for this I would be happy to put the idea forward to Igor for the future.



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Do you think that it would make sense for this facility to be ALSO included within Project Options/More/Default Settings along side "Display shadow" and "% of slide"?

If there is any support for this I would be happy to put the idea forward to Igor for the future.

You may want to check the Ideas and Suggestions ... I beleive it has been mentioned once or more, and then add your support to its existing topic. The more replies ... the better chance of being noticed.

I would think Igor could easily facilitate Border and Color into the Project Options along with the other More-Display Settings. Actually the addition of this feature in Project Options was just probably overlooked and forgotten when originally introduced.

However, when talking Global settings and actions it should only relate to the Slides - Main Image Object only ... which I support.

I donot support including all Image Objects in a slide... which would be alot more trouble to facilitate and work with overall.

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Another variation on the stroked blank .png file method:

Add an image to first slide after titles.

Add the Blank Stroked .png file on top of the image.

Copy that slide 20/30/40 times as necessary. Copy and paste one slide, then copy and paste two slides then copy and paste four slides etc etc. If you save this as a template you'll never have to do it again.

Instead of then adding images as slides, change the image in each slide to suit (in Properties> Picture).

Other variations/alternatives are possible.

Some might find this quicker/easier etc - others might not. I find copying and pasting the blank stroked .png to each slide to be very tedious and very often find that I have pasted it as a child to another object by mistake.


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I agree wholeheartedly with the idea of a global setting for border and colour, as mentioned by JEB in post #6 and nobeefstu in post #7.

I feel that displaying a border to a whole set of slides is a popular action for shows, and that currently it is a significant omission here.

There is another thread which is talking about making the package more user-friendly for beginners (with the idea of a 'wizard' for example). I would suggest that the process of having to copy and paste throughout a whole sequence of slides, just to get a border, is more likely to put people off than to encourage them.



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Well, your in control about putting the frame on the blanks, I usually start after the blank and before the end one. I like Peters Idea and have used it, but then forgot the default was set and had it included on something for the club and I had to visit every image to take it off :-)

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