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PTE 7 Beta 11


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Not sure if this is specific to 7 Beta 11 but not had this problem before.

While changing " % of slide to show main image" in PO/More from previously altered 90% to 80% and clicking "set for existing slides" I got the attached message. PTE would not make the alteration but after saving and quitting/reopening the 80% instruction was still there but the slides were still at 90%.



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Thought I should update.

This only appears to be happening within this one project.

I have started a couple of other test projects and been able to make several changes to the % without any problem.

Still can't get it to work on my main project though.


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Can you remember in what version of PTE that show was originally built? I'm wondering if it could be an "upward compatability" problem. Have you eliminated the usual suspects? Taken the music out? Repeatedly split the show in two to see if that points the finger at a specific part of the show (and ultimately to a specific image)?



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I have sent you a PM with a zip file of the project.


No it's not an upgrade problem. I was just playing with some ideas using 7 beta 11. As you will see I have sent it to Igor.

Thanks both,


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