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We are having problems converting an AV from Beta 7 into a Mac readable file, should this be possible? We can convert the 6.5 into a Mac readable okay. We have the DeLuxe version of both.


Is your MAC output using any of the Beta 7 known issues below ?

Read the fist topic of PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0 Beta

Known Issues:

- The following features temporarily are not available for Mac output in beta version: Video Clips, Unsharp Mask, New Navigation Bar.


Thanks nobbefstu I read that before posting, my Mac can not open up the folder presented to it without any of those features included. It does read folders from 6.5.


At this time I can only suggest to continue to use v6.5 for the MAC ouput files.

Since current beta 7s development primarily focuses on program improvements and EXE output at this time ... you may have to wait till Igor implements the improvements to MAC outputs and starts addressing bug issues specifically related to MACs.



Yes I had already decided to work with 6.5 in future but as the latest one took me some four weeks to finish and I can not now send it to my MAC friends I was a bit miffed and wondered if I was doing something wrong.




If the file outputs to EXE correctly using v7 beta ... then you can safety assume the file itself is ok and you have done nothing wrong.

-What exact version was the file built with? (not what program version you open it in)

-Theres no way to tell you what may be wrong with the file until someone inspects the file and/or its internals.


Please uncheck "Show Navigation bar" option if you create an executable file for Mac in version 7.0 Beta.

It's a temporal limitation.



Thanks for taking the time to reply and thank you for a super programme it has given me many hours of enjoyment, if sometimes frustrating.

Not sure what you mean by uncheck "show Navigation bar" which programme is this in, I can not find it in PtoE and it does not appear as an option in Finder on the Mac?

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