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file association

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You are probably getting a message stating that shows made in later versions won't play in 6.5?

If you haven't used any of the v7 features e.g.video ignore the message and they will open up.

If you have used any of the v7 features you must continue with v7.

Perhaps a way forward would be to save a backup copy of a v6.5 show before opening in v7?


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When you install v7 beta releases, read each step of the install carefully, at one point you get a chance to decide whether you want to have the PTE file extensions associated with this version. I always tick them "off" rather than "on". This means that if I double-click on a PTE project it opens in v6.5. To open a project in v7 beta I have to launch v7 and then do a File...Open command. But as DaveG pointed out, once you have opened a project in v7 you cannot open it in an earlier version. This is because each new version of PTE adds features that never existed in the earlier versions; so the earlier version doesn't know what to do with the project code.



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A helpful suggestion to those Users who have several PTE versions installed and want to open the .pte file in a particular version of PTE program:

Create program shortcut's in your windows SEND TO folder and send the .pte file to that particular program version to open it.

*Please keep in mind that newer version files are not fully supported in older program versions.

See attachment.


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