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Faces at a Festival


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Bill has been kind enough to host a Presentation I have made (PC and MAC Versions) of images taken at the recent Hay-on-Wye Food Festival.

I had around 30 minutes free time in the main square and all images were take during this time.

One camera - one lens.

PC version: Here

MAC Version: Here

I'd be grateful if someone could confirm the operation of the MAC Version?



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Could I ask if anyone here has downloaded the MAC version and whether it works or not?

I have had one person out of 24 downloads saying that it doesn't work on his Intel Mac. (That doesn't mean that the other 23 did work).

I have no way of trying it.


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I enjoyed your production with all of the different characters and as Lin says a good use of the depth of field.

I have always found it difficule to take candid photos of people because I feel that I am being intrusive. I have just ordered an 18-200 lens so this may allow me to be further away and get some candid shots.

What lens were you using.



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Thank you for posting your show. I liked your animated intro and thought the candid portraits were brilliant. Nice camera, great lens, talented photographer. And that's from a Canon man!


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Thanks Paul,

The cheque is in the post!

I don't subscribe to the N vs C debate if I can help it but when it comes to PP'ing that's a different matter.

I'm a fully paid up member of the Ex T90 Owners Club and still miss that camera but somewhere along the way I strayed into the Dark Side!


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