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Music Loop


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I have a sound track completed on Audition which plays normaly on audio.

It also plays normally in PTE project.

My problem is that when I play it in preview it seems to loop for a few seconds then the soundtrack stops.

It happens at the same point every time.

If I try to create the fault is in the finished sequence.


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Hi Snapcam,

You don't supply much in the way of technical details. What format is the soundtrack file - WAV, MP3, OGG, other? Given that the problem always occurs at the same place, what are the characteristics of the items that make up the soundtrack at that point on the timeline?

By characteristics I mean: stereo or mono?, sample rate? (e.g. 44100Hz), sample format? (e.g. 32bit float); and especially - were all the original items making up the mix at that point all of the same set of characteristics?



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Hello Peter

It is a mixed down track saved as MP3 Bit rare 256kbps. It was made some time ago and I don't have the original session saved so thats really all I can tell you.

It's the fact that it plays normally on the other playbacks that I don't understand. I have actually used this before on a sequence and I was editing the images so the soundtrack should be unaffected.

Sorry I know thats not much help to you.

Good to hear from you again.


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Problem solved, There was a sound file customised on a particular slide which I was unaware of. When the sequence got to that point it played the customised file and stopped the sound track. Only happened on preview.Cleared the file and the problem disappeared.


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Guest Yachtsman1


How is the track added, in the general tab or to one individual slide, if it's been added to a slide, could be just a question of un-ticking or ticking one of the action boxes.


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OK, so the behaviour in Create and Preview is the same. That I would expect. In order to show the Preview, PTE has to do a "hidden" Create. So the behaviour of these two should always be the same. Some more basic information if you please: what version of PTE was the original sequence built under? and what version of PTE are you using when you get the fault? Is it only the re-build that gives the problem? Do you still have the original EXE? Does this also give the problem?



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The original sequence was built on ver.6 and I am working on ver.6.5.

The sound fx was added to an individual slide using customise. I removed the sound fx and it was gone but found the sound track stopped. I had not unclicked the 'Play new background music file'.

I have an exe. that works fine but I did have a ver that had the problem. So it may be a problem I caused at a later date.

I think it was a case of sloppy working on my part but there was no indication to me that the slide had been customised and I found the problem when I realised the only thing I had not removed was the slide. :huh:


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