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Hello again

I have archived a slideshow with its associated images on an external drive which following an update is now playing up and constantly using all my system resources so I have had to disconnect it.

I have managed to copy the pte show over (with the associated images/music) to my PC harddrive but now when I try and open it all the image and sound files are missing as PTE is still looking for them on the external drive.

Is there a way I can force PTE to look for the images on the harddrive?




Hi Joy,

Given the situation that led up to this problem, I don't know of a way of getting PTE to sort things out. However, if you feel confident enough you could try the following:

Use Windows Explorer to copy the aaaaaa.pte file to a different folder (to give you a backup copy)

Open Notepad and within Notepad, open the aaaaaa.pte file

Use Notepad's Edit Find and Replace commands to Find the first instance of the old drive and path details and then change (i.e. Replace) them with the new drive and path details

Check the first one carefully to make sure you have typed everything correctly then work through the .pte file, finding each one and changing it

It is a bit fiddly and time consuming but, provided you take care, it will get the job done. Once you've made all the necessary changes just do a File...Save in Notepad and let it overwrite the existing copy.

Try that copy in PTE, if it works - great! If it doesn't; delete it and copy back the saved version from whereever you put it. All you will have lost is some time.





I have managed to copy the pte show over (with the associated images/music) to my PC harddrive but now when I try and open it all the image and sound files are missing as PTE is still looking for them on the external drive

1- Temporarily connect the external drive (since you say the pte file looks and finds the resources there ?).

2- Create Backup in Zip from the File menu bar. (Save to PC drive)

3- You no longer need to keep the external drive connected.

4- You can move or use the project Backup Zip package anywhere you like on the PC or any drive.

5- Unzip the package, and just double-click the project file in it.

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