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Igor, must make new category !


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Hi Igor,

To prevent future difficulties and since there are many tips going on now about the new AVI feature all topics concerning should be in new category. I also suggest all members who succeed, or find any useful information "how to" should post their success including info about theit Hardware, Operating System, which third party program they used and info about kind of pte show. Current topics better be moved to this category.

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RayPar and DanaB - did you get your computer labs put back together yet? I am eagerly awaiting your experience and advice on PTE implementation to DVD/SVCD.

Also, anyone who would like to give advice on DVD burners. I think that will likely become a important topic for many of us who have not yet taken the plunge.

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I agree wholeheartedly with all that's been said in this thread so far. Igor said something about a separate section on tutorials - the same arguments could be made in support of a separate "video" section.

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I'll add my votes to the above.

The SCVD and DVD is a key move for PTE, but, not unexpectedly given the keen interest, it has over taken the forum.

This has happened before when Igor makes a major break-though or comes along with a siginificant upgrade (the internal player as an example) but the SCVD/DVD is a different fish.

So yes, please put up a new forum perhaps for SCVD/DVD issues.

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I agree completely and I did it a few days ago for the French Fanaphot forum.

Moreover subjects of the slide shows made to look on the TV will be perhaps different from those made for computer.

In more subject SVCD and DVD does not interest obligatorily everyone and requires many explanations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I many times thoughted about creating of such new forum as "How to" with all documentations, guides, articles, advices and success stories from authors.

Separate "Video" forum may duplicate with main forum where I post announcements about new betas of v4.20 Or it's not so?

Please let me know your opinions whay we should prefer! Thanks.

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Yes, I many times thoughted about creating of such new forum as "How to" with all documentations, guides, articles, advices and success stories from authors.

My opinion Igor, is the How to would be too broad. For most of the existing forum is already related to

how too. I think it might just cause confusion where some postings should go.

I think it would be better to simply add a category relating to the avi feature and all the questions and experiences it is generating

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I totaly agree with Robert. Simply add a category related to AVI and video output discussions.

A new "video" forum category is required in my opinion, and questions/comments/experiences about AVI and video issues should be posted in this new separated "video forum". Members will get used to it quickly.

I count already 42 separated TOPICS now since you release 4.20B1, only about AVI/MPEG/DVD/SCVD and more than 290 posts...

Please think all users are not interested in AVI today (maybe later, and yes, some are still creating .EXE !!!!)... Most posts now are about Ulead Movie Factory, TMPGenc, Pinnacle, Roxio, Nero 5 vs Nero 6, StudioDV, IrfanView, WinDVD, video codecs, Sony, Pioneer, MPEG 2, SVCD/VDC, and video encoding issues...etc...

I understand this very well because AVI output is rising many questions, but... a little bit far from PTE and slideshows in my opinion...

I see no problem in having a separated category, where everbody will be sure to find all informations about PTE and AVI, third party softwares, and video encoding...


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Igor, I follow opinion of the "task force" in this thread.

You worry because this "separate 'Video' forum may duplicate with main forum where I post announcements about new betas of v4.20". But I think this is not a problem: you can post all main announcements in both, and those about video features only in video section. Or am I wrong?...

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I agree with Guido :)

I would think no need to even double post Announcements of v4.20 beta in both categories .

Cant Announcements more or less a be a seperate sticky topic all in itself ? ( I guess it depends on your proposed layout)

v4.20 includes much more than just Avi-Video improvements ... as it contains many for the whole program.

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One of the faults with the forum is not the setup but we the users. It is like a committee with a weak chairman with members going off at a tangent and the original topic being lost. I tried earlier in a previous original thread opened by Admin to get things back on track but with little avail. What is needed is a little thought and (re)search before creating a topic or adding a reply. We are all at fault!

Ron [uK]

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