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I am trying to add a video clip to a pte show. The avi clip was made with CamStudio and is a video of several photoshop steps. The video plays well in windows Media Player but when I play it in PTE, all the steps are speeded up.

I'm obviously doing something wrong but I don't know what.

thanks in advance, Jenni


Hello Jenni,

I can send you one of my tutorial on 'Adding Video to a slide show' (via email) it might help you.

Please send me your email address and I will send the tutorial by return'


Ronnie West.


Thanks Igor. Unfortunately this didnt solve the problem. My photoshop steps are racing thru the video. I believe the video was around 30 fps. I did use the PTE converter to convert the video.

Thanks, Jenni


Please could me send me sample video file? I'll check up for this problem.

(You can upload file through a free service of www.mediafire.com and then let me know the download link by personal message.)

  • 4 months later...


I also have problems using videos in my show. The videos are DivX encoded and have 25 fps.

After publishing using 'Creating HD video...' with custom presets: video: 1280x720 25 fps

the videos in the outputted mp4 doesn't look fine, they look jerky.

Publishing with 'Making of an AVI...' with custom settings of the audio codec (PCM) and

video codec (DivX), output format 1280x720 and 25 fps, the output is also jerky.

I did a test with a video with frame numbers and I saw in the output of the AVI video

(AVI because here I can step frame-by-frame) that the even frames of the video were removed

and the odd frames were doubled.

Why has PTE modified my 25 fps video?





and suddenly, everything is OK. After days of desperate

tries without positive results, I get now smooth output files.

I don't know why, the only thing I did was:

'Making of an AVI video file'

with HD-1080 and PAL/SECAM (for Europe) without burning a DVD.

Hereafter every output was OK and I couldn't reproduce

the situation I had with PTE outputs with missing/doubled frames.

This is my first experience with a forum,

sorry for my post, but it did help...



  • 2 weeks later...


it's wrong again.

It's impossible for me now to get an usable video output of PTE.

PTE is changing the frames of my 25fps videos again, the even frames are

removed and the odd frames are doubled or tripled in the output file.

It seems to me that PTE makes an internal frame rate conversion to 30fps and

when PTE has to make an 25 fps output file he makes a frame rate conversion

from 30 fps to 25 fps or so. It's a guess.

In the preview window, everything is running smoothly.

What I do:

- I try to make an PAL DVD or HD-video, because I live in a PAL country.

- My camera produces 640x480 30 fps MJpeg encoded video clips.

- I convert the frame rate of the video clips to 25fps with MotionPerfect.

(I don't like frame conversion by simply removing some frames).

- In VirtualDub the output of MotionPerfect is resized, then cropped to 1024x576

and saved without audio using the DivX 6 Codec.

- I try to publish my show in PTE with 'Creating HD video...',

presets are set to Custom, Pan & Scan is enabled,

the video settings are 1280 x 720 and 25 fps.

Mode is set for the moment to One pass - quality and Quality: 100.

Audio is set for the moment to 256 kbps, Sample rate: 44100 Hz.

I found some points of how to get smoother videos:

1. The start time for an 25fps video clip in the show must be

a multiple of 40 msec, the time for a single frame of the video clip.

2. Project Options / Main / Synchronize music & slides must be OFF.

3. I even set the effects (Fade In/Out) to a multiple of a frame time (40 msec).

4. But the last step: how to prevent PTE to reconvert the frame rate

of my video clips, I don't know.

Here some points I don't understand:

5. In 'Creating HD video for PC and Mac' I have in the presets only the choice

for making NTSC (30fps) videos, why not PAL (25 fps)? I have to choose Custom

to make a 25fps HD video.

6. If I use 'Making of an AVI video file' and choose my own Audio Codec (only PCM

is possible) and Video Codec (I prefer DivX 6) the output video generated looks

as if he has much less than 24 bits colors.

7. When replacing a video with an other in Objects and Animation, tab Properties,

the 'Duration' is not displayed properly, it shows the video

'End Time' instead. To correct this, I click one of the pull-down

button (Start Time or Duration) and in the appearing window I

re-enter the Start Time.





In 'Creating HD video for PC and Mac' I have in the presets only the choice

for making NTSC (30fps) videos, why not PAL (25 fps)? I have to choose Custom

to make a 25fps HD video.

A quick overview of your issue and your conversion has me wondering why you convert video from 30fps to 25 fps ?

HD Video for PC and MAC requires no conversion or frame rate changes to play normal on a computer. NTSC and PAL are standard definition video for DVD playback. Its best to keep the original video framerate to avoid such issues you are experiencing. When producing a DVD with VideoBuilder the video framerate conversion is set to NTSC or PAL standard video defintions required for normal DVD playback.

- My camera produces 640x480 30 fps MJpeg encoded video clips.

- I convert the frame rate of the video clips to 25fps with MotionPerfect.

- In VirtualDub the output of MotionPerfect is resized, then cropped to 1024x576

and saved without audio using the DivX 6 Codec.

Why not use PTE's own VideoConverter Tool to convert the original camera output video file ?

*Will your original 640x480 30 fps MJpeg video file play directly without issues when used in PTE for EXE executable ?

* I personally do not see a need for you to convert your original video 30fps to 25 fps even for VideoBuilder-DVD/PAL compilation. Its seems to me you are taking many unnecessary conversion steps.

*Im sure you will have alot more questions ... but lets start with these first.


Agree with Stu.

I have just bought a Compact Camera with HD Video and it is set to PAL.

All of the normal Movie Modes are 30fps and it plays well in PTE.



Hi nobeefstu & davegee,

thank for your responses. The standard frame rate here for TV is 25 fps progressive

and 50 fps interlaced or progressive, but modern TV sets can also do other standards.

The HD video formats for NTSC and PAL are the same, but the field or frame rate

differs, it is 25 fps or 50 fps, can be progressive or interlaced.

To avoid simple frame rate conversion by removing every 6th frame from a 30 fps video,

which gives you a jerky result, I make the conversion with MotionPerfect.

My camera has the possibility to switch the output to PAL to play the 30fps movies on

a PAL TV set, every 6th frame in the output is removed to get a 25 fps, this is

horrible to watch when there is something moving across the screen.

HD Video for PC and MAC requires no conversion or frame rate changes to play normal on a computer.

I agree, if I would use the movie only on a computer I wouldn't do that. But, I use this output

to get an mp4 video file in the hope to make my first HD disc with the PAL standard

and PTE gives me that possibility in both 'Creating HD video...' and 'Avi video file',

to create video output with 25 fps. But I failed so far, because PTE is modifying my video clips.

Why not use PTE's own VideoConverter Tool to convert the original camera output video file ?

I have used the VideoConverter, but without success. The outputted video clips were

not better, on the contrary.

*Will your original 640x480 30 fps MJpeg video file play directly without issues when used in PTE for EXE executable ?

The strange thing is, when I publish an executable file, my 25 fps videos are not modified

and are playing as I wish they would play in the video versions.

If I was living in a NTSC country, I didn't had that issue.



I meant that with an AVI file, it is possible for me

to step frame by frame through the video clip with e.g. VirtualDub.

With VirtualDub, it is also possible to add frame numbers to

a video clip for testing purposes.




The easiest way to test and sort this video issue of yours is for you to upload a short 7-10 second video segment that is produced straight out-of-camera without any post processing or conversions. This way the PAL Country users such as Dave and others may be best able to offer some advise to resolve. I live in NTSC Country ... so my testing of the file will be limited when it comes to DVD/TV output.

Upload the short test video segment to a storage site such as MediaFire or DropBox and post a link for the download access.



and suddenly, after a series of tests, it's as good as the last time again (30 January 2012).

With the same video clip I get a good AVI and MP4 video.

For the second time I see that my 25 fps video clip can be processed properly by PTE.

I will investigate this and if I find a cause (or causes **) that can be reproduced,

I will report back.

nobeefstu, thanks for your effort and time to help me.

BTW "here" is the Netherlands.

** A former colleague told me once, if you have a problem that you can not rationalize,

than you have to do with more than one problem.



Hi davegee,

I have made a few test with different in- and outputs:


Input: Original video clip 640x480 30fps MJPEG

Output: AVI Custom 640x480 30fps PCM/DivX

The output video is OK, the motions in clip are smooth.


Input: Same video clip as in test 1. but with added frame numbers 640x480 30fps PCM/DivX

Output: AVI Custom 640x480 30fps PCM/DivX

Sequence of frame numbers is OK: 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_9_10_11_12_ etc

The output video is OK.


Input: Video clip as in test 2. added frame numbers 640x480 30fps PCM/DivX

Output: AVI Custom 640x480 25fps PCM/DivX

Sequence of frame numbers is: 1_1_1_0_0_0_4_5_5_7_8_8_11_12_13_14_14_17_18_19_20_20 etc

Here PTE has to make a frame rate conversion. Except for the first 5 or 6 frames its looks

familiar to me, you get this if a simple frame rate conversion is made by removing and dubbling frames.

The motion stutters (?), the video is not smooth. This test is reproducible.


Input: Video clip with added frame numbers 1024x576 25fps PCM/DivX

Output: AVI Custom 1280x720 25 fps PCM/DivX

Sequence of frame numbers is: 0_0_0_1_1_4_5_6_7_9_10_11_12_ etc

At the moment the output is what I want, except the first few frames, but I can live with that.

When it goes wrong the sequence look like this:

1_1_3_3_5_5_7_7_9_9_11_11....41_41_43_43_43_45_45_ etc.

The motion stutters, the video is not smooth.

It seems to me that PTE thinks he/she must made a frame rate conversion here, although it is not necessary.


PS: If forgot to mention that the mp4 output behaves as the AVI output, but in mp4 I cannot step through the frames.


Because I don't want to have 30 fps video output, I want to have a 25 fps video.

Of course, if I look with the computer at 30 fps videos, they look smooth,

but I will not only use a computer to watch the shows.

I want also to be compatible with the standard in this country and standard

is PAL with 25 fps or 50 fps progressive or interlaced.

According to PTE it can produce PAL output, and PAL is 25 or 50 fps,

and I want to use these settings.

In the future I will buy a camera that can produce video clips with 25 fps

and I hope I can use these clips in PTE without degrade of quality.

My question is simply said: can I use 25 fps video clips in PTE and can PTE produce

25 fps video output? If yes, why is the output sometimes not correct?

This last question, I try to find out myself.



BeTa and Jenni,

I have been following this Video-thread with interest because in the past I also had this problem

with other Video-Software and from what I have read here, there seems to be 'confusion' with the

word 'Interlace' and its true alternative meaning's between Camera-Video and Television-Video.


Most Camcorders & Camera-Video files are (internally) recorder as 'Raw-Consecutive Images' which

are called 'Interlaced-Images' ~ this is is not true, more later.


Televisions, whether they be NTSC or PAL Systems use "true" interlacing which I will describe:-

TV-Interlacing:- When you view a TV-Screen the Video is made up of successive 'Visual-Frames' where

in Europe(PAL) there are 25.Fps (Frames/second) and in America(NTSC) there are 30.Fps.

Irrespective of Standards ~ Each and every 'Visual-Frame' is a composite construction of 2 Screen-scans

which are invisable to the human eye. In our PAL-System there are 625 Lines drawn* across the Screen

from top to bottom ~then a syncpulse~ and again a further 625 Lines are drawn* these interleaved with the

original lines drawn. The composite of both scans are now 'interlaced' to make one Visual-Frame.

(drawn* means scan)

Why is this so ?

Should there be any motion in the Video this is rendered by moving the contents of each alternate Line

slightly to the left or right as needed, hence our eyes are fooled into seeing motion by the simple

expediency of Vision-Latency which is a human attribute.

Camcorders & Cameras. These devices use a different 'Motion-Vision System' in that they take

a number of 'Successive-Raw Images' and when out-putted to a PC they are usually resolved down to

2 or 3 successive-images which depend on Software to combine both into a 'Quasi-Interleafed Image'

which they erroneously name as an Interlaced-Image. (This depending on the Camera-Software in use).

PTE in Usage

It would be very difficult for PTE to resolve all "interleafed" Camera-Videos when one considers the plethora

of Cameras in the market place and in my experience most Camera Video-Software will only produce a

'Quasi-Video' for direct-viewing on (modern) Digital TV-Sets which can resolve 25/30.Fps or else it can

be played on (modern) Computers which are capable of resolving the 25/30.Fps Frame-rate.

(Exceptions:Interlacing-Cameras built to PAL/NTSC Standards)


Convert the entire Camera-File into genuine NTSC or PAL Video Standard with a program such as "Movadi"

or the many others available....

I hope this "simple" explaination will highlight the differences between 'Interleafed' and 'TV-Interlace' and

consequently I hope it will point you in the right direction.(See Attachments PDF and Zip)

NOTE: The Zip-File contains a direct Web-Link to an example Program




I have found a solution for my problem using 25 fps video-clip for an 25 fps video output file.

But first I would thanks Conflow for his interest in this forum and explanation of a difficult

part of video processing. I only mentioned the term interlaced, but luckily my simple camera,

with video clip possibility, produces only progressive videos. And I will stay with this type of

video until it comes to burning DVD's or BR's. Then I have to decide to use interlaced or not

and my authoring program will do the job.

Here is my solution, it works for me, I can not guaranty that it will work on every computer:


The start time of the video-clip in the Timeline must be 00:00.000 or

a multiple of the time for a single frame in the video-clip.

For a 25 fps video-clip the frame time is 40ms or 0.04 seconds.

In O&A you can see the start time of the video-clip in the blue box

of the key frame with key frame time = 0.

A valid value could be: mm:ss.520 (mm = minutes, ss = seconds).

Keep in mind that the effect duration for the video-clip affects the start time of the clip.


The start time of the video clip in O&A / tab properties must also be 00:00.000 or

a multiple of a frame time of the video-clip.

What I do: In O&A / Properties I set the start time to the desired value and the

end time to the maximum value. In Customize Slide I set the slide duration to the desired

length of the video clip.

I have the 'Keep full slide time' ticked.


In Project Options / Main / Synchronize music & slides must be OFF (no tick).

These are the 3 golden rules for me to get a smooth 25fps video output

in both 'HD Video...' and 'AVI video file' when using 25 fps video clips.

Hopefully this will be also usable in the following updates.

Remark (added 20120213)

In order to avoid round up or round down problems with the time values

when using values like: mm:ss.480

I think it is better to use values like: mm:ss.400 or mm:ss.600.

The first number after the decimal point must be a even number.

For those who are also struggling with frame rate problems like me, here some tips:

- simple frame rate converters remove and/or doubling frames.

This results in stuttering videos when there are fast motions in the video.

But sometimes, it depends on the contents of the video, it is better to accept this.

- In VirtualDub you have in the menu 'Video / Filter... / Add Filter' the internal

filter 'interpolate' which is good for, lets say moving steam trains but not for

racing cars.

- I have bought a frame rate converter with a good converter engine which fills gaps in

the video by inserting new, computed motion-interpolated frames. Unfortunately the

software is a bit old and is discontinued. But it works fine with the MJPEG codec.

- Look voor a real PAL standard camera. Some have only the possibility to switch the

output signal from NTSC to PAL. Compact cameras producing 25fps videos are hard to find

and of course you have more demands than that.


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