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In a show where the timeline sets slide transitions to the music, it often happens that I want to keep the transitions in the same places, but reorder the slides.

It seems to me that when PTE moves a slide, it also "moves" the slide duration. If slide number 6 is set to a duration of six seconds, and slide number 7 is set to a duration of three seconds, moving slide number 7 to before slide number 6, makes the new slide number 6's duration three seconds, and this "destroys" the previous timeline settings.

Is there a way to move just the slide and keep the current timeline without doing it completely manually (which is very tedious)?



Two ways:

1 - In the O&A window change the image for that object

2 - In the main window, use the "Change Image File" icon





You might be correct in your two ways you describe, but I have not been able to figure out exactly how to follow your steps. I'll work on that.

However, I have been having the same frustration with moving slides around in the Timeline.

For example, say I have Slide 6 (10 seconds), Slide 7 (6 seconds) and Slide 8 (3 seconds). If, in the Timeline view, I move Slide 8 to a position in between Slide 6 and 7, I want all the already set times to stick with each slide. However, all 3 slides lose their already set times. I don't want to Change the Image. Wouldn't it be more intuitive for each slide to just retain their times?

Is there a way to retain their times before they are moved in the Timeline? It seems to work just fine in the 'Slides' view, but not the 'Timeline' view.




This is a shot in the dark because I don't know the answer: does "View...Advanced Options...Hold time points" help?





I gave it a try but saw no difference. All slides lost their set times.

If Igor can make it work in Timeline as it does in Slides, I think it would be a good thing.

Maybe others have a use for the current method. I'd like to know if anyone sees the current way it works in Timeline as opposed to in Slides to be useful. Currently, if you are working in the Timeline and want to move and retain all the slide times, you have to switch into Slides, make the move, then switch back to Timeline.



...if you are working in the Timeline and want to move and retain all the slide times, you have to switch into Slides, make the move, then switch back to Timeline.


That's how I've always done it in previous versions of PTE. This isn't something that has come about in version 7.




I think you will find Peter is right and that Hold Time points will do what you want, but it depends how you do it.

You can drag and drop images from within the Slide list and the positions are held.

You can remove an image from the slide list and bring a new one down and the time point is held.

But if you delete 3 and try to introduce 3 new slides, the times seem to be lost.

So if it is just a re-order then Hold Time Points seems OK, if you want to introduce new slides on an existing time point, do them one at a time, but then you may as well use change image file, as Peter said


I THINK that I'm following this but if not I apologise.

Rather than "delete 3 slides and introduce three new slides" would it not be easier to go to O&A / Properties and change the picture.

I'm assuming that the slides involved are not complicated multi-object productions.



Thanks, guys! "Hold Time Points" was what I wanted. And I am willing to switch to Slides view to get it done.

It seems to me like implementing this in Timeline might take a lot of effort and would not make it to the top of the list.

BTW, right under "Hold Time Points", there's an option "Keep Full Slide Duration". Is that the opposite of "Hold Time Points"? If so, I observe that setting one does not turn the other off?




For a discussion about "Keep Full Slide Duration" see here. This was my summarisation of a lengthy debate (for which read some of the earlier posts in that same topic).





For a discussion about "Keep Full Slide Duration" see here. This was my summarisation of a lengthy debate (for which read some of the earlier posts in that same topic).



<laughs> I am impressed by the complexity.

I ran some quick tests, and unticked both Show Full Slide Duration and Keep Full Slide Duration. Since I work almost exclusively on the timeline, I also checked Hold Time Points.

Thanks for your help!


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